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Thursday, November 08, 2007


Russia and America, Oil and Dollar
Co-Posted in www.receiptforlabor.blogspot.com

I am seeing some possibilities. They are nothing more than possibilities at this point. Although they have been speculated upon to modest degrees they are injustice.

America took Iraq. They took Afghanistan. Now America has been planning to invade Iran. While internationally weighing the wargames of this scenario and the industrial peak oil consequences of such a disaster, Russia announced that an invasion of Iran would be seen as an invasion of Russia. This has stalled American efforts at an Iranian invasion and complicated an American/Israeli/Saudi oil monopoly.

Americans may have been counting on using this potential monopoly or political capital from terrorism and war to leverage key military, financial, and industrial circumstances in future engagements which will not either not happen or happen much later, or a slight chance of soon but more dreadfully. It is more probable now that Russia and China will come into swing on the middle eastern and Indian/Pakistani topics and into the world economic and industrial and resource oriented scene.

Similarly, all three major players and Europe will be experiencing a massive cultural and political revolution regarding libertarianism as China falls to a social revolution sometime in 2008 or 2009, and Russian president Vladimir Putin faces a Russian Constitutional crisis in 2008, and America experiences the Ron Paul revolution into 2008 and other media projects, and Europe works with Islamists and sustainability through the decade.

Financial crises seem inevitable. The American dollar will crumble and collapse as it has been abused **in preparation for the Amero to replace it**. Get on the stick, CIA.

This should roughly coincide with a world oil crisis as peak oil comes to pass. New Brazilian crude could lighten the disaster, but will not nearly prevent it. Ron Paul and Alaskan and other energy infusions will come too late, but aid after the disaster hits, pinpointed perhaps 4-10 months from now, in time for the 2008 elections.

Russia has allegedly been working politically in the Middle Eastern regions to strengthen their position in respect to a potential Iranian invasion, particularly in Georgia and Jordan. China appears to be enhancing their hegemonic tendencies while softening to a revolution that could engulf the region.

China has collected even more dollar notes, rising the total to $1.45 trillion, up from 1.3 trillion shortly beforehand, and that up from 900 billion seemingly 6 months ago. The USD has fallen against the CAN and world currencies and oil and gold, and London revised upwards their futures estimates for gold for 2008 and 2009.

An oil shortage would be disastrous for humanity. Some 60% of our oil is used for agriculture, and our food reserves have dropped what appears to be 6 out of the past 7 years since 1999. Oil supply is tighter than any time other than 1980 and 1973, and oil prices have reached record highs at some $97 a barrel, up from $20 a barrel back when we had a meaningful food surplus. This price may be artificially inflated due to dollar weakness.

A war in Iran would be disastrous for humanity. It would precipitate an immediate oil shortfall of millions of daily barrels and war between America and Israel, and Iran and Russia, with China ringside leaning communist.

What is Japan doing in the meantime?


Leave Iraq
Impeach Dick Cheney and George Bush
Reopen 9/11 Commission in light of NIST and other evidence
Investigate the 1000 most powerful humans and their conspiracies
Ban AIPAC from America
Secure non-oil energy supplies and farming
Elect Ron Paul president
Expose corporate media
Train Americans in non-violent revolution and civil action
Other secondary goals.

These factors are tactically valuable to producing a sustainable nation during this extended rugged period. Sustainability is strateigic in this environment.


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