
US Government, Pentagon, members of the United States House and Senate, members of the American Armed Forces, FBI, CIA, NSA, UN, and international governments and military bodies, this blog is for you. Call Senators: 202-224-3121.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Using available evidence collected around www.everyotheramerican.blogspot.com, charges are being assembled against the US Government [George Bush et al 2000/2004].

It is theorized sufficient for trial that the 9/11 events were conspired upon by members of the PNAC or members of the Executive Branch to collapse the World Trade Centers and produce meaningful threats to the American people sufficient to perform wide legislative and political changes, some of which may still be to occur.

Please examine the evidence. It is on the testimony of New York City firemen that after the planes struck the towers there were numerous secondary explosions in the buildings, as well as a series of demolition-style explosions as the towers collapsed. A professor from BYU found on 20 June 2006 thermite on steel from the WTC. Photos from the story as well as the professor's findings are evidence of detonative explosives being found in the WTC. [NYC police and firemen are under gag orders not to discuss booms and rumblings felt shortly before the collapse at the base of the towers. This information should be procured using the freedom of information act.]

WTC Building 7 also collapsed without being struck by planes and with only two small fires burning on upper floors. No other steel and concrete building has collapsed from fire in history. The building's collapse took only about 5 seconds.

a) There were previously planted bombs in the WTC, causing its collapse about one hour after the planes hit.

Sources will show that the building was under 24-hour guard due to previous warnings, including the presence of bomb sniffing dogs. These dogs were removed for one day. It is likely that the bombs were planted on this day, and likely by persons working in collusion with those who also ordered the dogs be removed. Either the explosives were planted while these dogs were missing, or they had been there in the building for weeks, since before the warnings, or the hundreds of bombs were snuck into the building around the dogs in some other way. The massive amount of thermite required to collapse the WTC 1, 2, and 7 towers would have required substantial manpower and resources to procure, rigging ~77 stories of two buildings and an entire 3rd 47-story building with explosives.

b) The evidence of secondary explosives in the WTC shows that the event was premeditated, and that the planes hitting the building was expected, for the buildings to be detonated in association with the planestrikes.

The WTC towers were scheduled to fall on 9/11/01 and the entity who scheduled that fall had prior knowledge of the planestrikes.

Section 2 The Pentagon

The Pentagon was not hit by a 757, as is shown by trigonometry, opticals, and video released by the US Government in sources linked at www.everyotheramerican.blogspot.com. Because of this, we know that Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon, and something else must have hit it from the video. Evidence on the field and the damage profile on the building show that an A3 light jet hit the Pentagon. The smell of cordite was also reported by witnesses, indicating the use of detonating explosives to contribute to the damage and possibly destroy evidence. The whereabouts of Flight 77 and its passengers are unknown.

Section 3 Flight 93

According to the Mayor of Cleveland and Delta Airlines, Flight 93 landed in Cleveland's airport at 10:45am on 9/11/01. According to the coroner on site at the alleged crashsite in Shanksville, PA, the crash looked like 'a 10 foot wide hole someone dug and dumped trash into'. No bodies were recovered and no tailpiece nor nosecone were recovered from the field. From legal reports, Flight 93 did not crash in a field in Shanksville, and its passengers were detained at Cleveland's airport and ushered to an undisclosed location.

Section 3.1 CIA and Al-Qaeda

Because secondary explosives were prepared in the WTC and the planes struck, someone arranged them both to happen on the same morning. It is unlikely that the entity that arranged these two conditions would be able to convince American agents to be on the planes hitting the WTC. For this they needed outside sources.

It is likely that members arranging 9/11 acquired Al-Qaeda agents through double agents posing as Islamic militants, and convinced suicide bombers that they were acting in their own and their families' and states' interests as they flew into the WTC.

The suicide bombers then were arranged to be flight trained in America ad guided onto the planes to hijack.

The CIA also trained, funded and armed Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda in the 1980's and 1990's. President Clinton refused to accept him for rendition when he was arrested in Ethiopia. In the weeks before 9/11/01 bin Laden received specialized medical treatment as a guest at an American medical facility in the Middle East.

Section 4 Executive Order w-199i

In the months before 9/11, the FBI was attempting to investigate numerous arab suspects suspecting of being part of a terror plot and flight training under suspicious reasons. After requests were filed to formally investigate them by agents in Phoenix, AZ area, George W Bush issued EO w-199i, ordering the arrest of all agents who continue investigating 'Al-Qaeda and flight training arabs' for reasons of national security. The motives for this executive order may be an association between George W Bush and those who arranged 9/11. It is likely that George W Bush issued EO w-199i to protect suicide bombers arranged to be trained and fly into the WTC on 9/11. The secondary explosives would then be detonated and the entity arranging 9/11 would have succeeded in toppling the WTC and blaming it on Islamic terrorists, allowing the political conditions and events of the post-9/11 world.

Section 5 Peak Oil and the Invasion of Afghanistan

World oil reserves will peak around the year 2007/8. Because of infrastructure, this will have dramatic and negative market conditions on the world, especially the industrialized portions, and especially America. The White House was very concerned that the OPEC oil embargo of 1973 would cause another Great Depression according to an interview of John Perkins by Democracy Now!

The Bush family and members of the PNAC [Project for a New American Century] know that world oil will peak around this time, and are aware of the economic consequences associated with it. It is likely that the PNAC and George W Bush are preparing America for peak oil by political deals with the Saudi royal family and by invading oil rich Iraq and strateigic Afghanistan, and/or possibly Iran.

The invasion of Afghanistan started on the pretense of the confession video of Osama bin Laden. A different man appears in the video. Bin Laden is left handed, but the man in the video writes something with his right hand. He also wears a gold ring and watch, which the islamic bin Laden cannot do by his faith. The man in the video has a differently shaped face and nose than Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden also swore that he had nothing to do with 9/11. The tape was found by US forces in Afghanistan in November of 2001, shortly before the invasion.

The Iraq war was also handled in an irregular manner. Particularly the Iraqi constitution, unique in the world that 100% of its companies may be foreign owned, allowing all of its oil assets to be owned by American reconstruction companies, namely Halliburton, vice president Richard Cheney's company until 2000. And that unique to the occupation, companies are given reconstruction contracts, often without bids. Furthermore, no meters were placed on the Iraqi oil derricks until 2005, during which time no record of oil extraction was kept.

The force sent to Iraq was also characteristically understrength and under budget, and engaged in numerous time and efficiency wasting and foot dragging exercises, perhaps in an attempt to make a war with a 3rd world country last from 2003 until peak oil's onset in 2007/8, during which time American interests would be in control of a majority of the world's usable oil, with possible interests in Iran, Venezuela, and Nigeria.

This economic condition would be extremely beneficial to America and America would be in a position to economically crush both China and Russia and choose to supply its neighbors and friends with oil at politically bargaining prices.

Chapter 6 Alternative Energy

There is evidence that oil interests have engaged in technology quashing exercises against Stanley Meyer and other patent holders from WW2 to the present. Evidence linked to at www.thepowercompany.blogspot.com demonstrates patents of technologies able to provide abundant renewable energy from water, as well as to achieve exemplary oil efficiency using vaporizing carburaters. This technology was demonstrated by Shell Oil company between 1929 and 1973, and alluded to by Ford and GM. European vehicles and companies less affected by these principles but without access to the patents have demonstrated fuel refinement techniques and engine standards that soundly surpass American automotive achievements, yet these achievements have not been duplicated in America, despite holding better patents and capabilities.

Instead American interests have suppressed clean free energy and fuel, possibly by the demonstration of the effectiveness of the US-Japanese oil embargo and by the interests of Saudi Arabian oil royals and American oil barons, such as the Bush family. Stanley Meyer was reportedly offered $1,000,000,000 to sit on his patents, but refused. He was killed in 1998.

Had the Pogue carburater [US pat.# linked to at www.thepowercompany.blogspot.com] or other high efficiency oil technology been installed, oil proliferation would have become meaningless, and the WW2 military deterrant of controlling oil over the Far East would have been lost, and Saudi and American economic interests would have been dashed. The same could be said of US coal mining or nuclear technology.

Section 7 Conclusion

For these reasons, the perpetrators of 9/11 must be found, the market factors of peak oil exposed and those who suppressed advanced technology brought to justice, and the dangers of war over scarcity of oil or energy eradicated, and the threat of carbon pollution from industries and motors eliminated.

The likely suspects are the signatories of the PNAC, George W Bush et al and the Bush Family, the Saudi Royal Family, and the members of the Skull and Bones fraternity.

This case should be filed in Washington, DC, because of the capitol nature of the offenses alleged and the location of the seat of power of the defendants.


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