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Thursday, June 28, 2007

9/11, Dick Cheney and World Oil

Flight 93 landed in Cleveland, OH at 10:15AM on 9/11/01 according to Delta's flight records and the mayor of Cleveland.

It did not crash in Shanksville, PA, as reported. No plane hit the Pentagon, since it would be hit by automatically launching missiles. Cheney gave stand-down orders. Landing chalk was photographed on the lawn of the pentagon on september 7, 2001, in the general orientation of the later incoming object. The pentagon has automatically firing missile defenses, deactivated by an RFID. Any plane approaching the pentagon would experience very heavy casualties, especially a commercial plane without an RFID.

The 2 WTC buildings were scheduled to collapse and used artificial detonations to collapse them. Underwriters' Laboratories estimated the heat of the flames at 500*F. No steel building has ever burned down. Cut marks are clearly visible behind a firefighter in a famous photo of WTC ruins. The steel beam is cut at a ~45* angle straight through its entire width, and melted steel is seen redried below the cut. No 'plane' did that, and no ordinary fire. It was cordite, which was found on WTC steel by a professor at Binghamton State.

The 2 planes that hit the WTC were probably remote controlled by the CIA, and the controls jammed. 9 of the 19 alleged hijackers live today. NASA demonstrated this technology repeatedly in the 1990's. No one from our government would go on such a suicide mission.

The other 2 planes likely landed in Cleveland, as one was reported, and a military airstrip in the vicinity of the Pentagon or runup to it, and their passengers executed in the name of national security to give us the pretense to go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan and corner the global energy market in ~2008 to get a fiscal leg up on the emerging Chinese and Russian markets and populations to place America and ubercapitalists in firm control of the population and nations of the world for the 21st century, when population is expected to eclipse world resources, motivating billions of people to riot or seceed from conventional labor and social arrangements.

The White House has produced a new contingency 9/11 Constitution under which to execute these plans, founded in ~1996 under the PNAC.


This should tell you everything you need to know about 9/11 from the early dates. i defer to www.jonesreport.com for modern official acknowledgement of 9/11 truths and mistruths and release information.

I support the subpoena of Cheney's office
. He should be investigated for his various crimes from Algerian Halliburton bribery and fraud fund onward, for which he is still wanted by the French and the World Court.

1. Eliminate Illegitimacy of Power in State
2. Eliminate Illegitimacy of Power in Market
3. Release ExxonMobil Technologies
4. Sip a coke.

What can the state do about such a move? We can enforce our antimonopoly laws among the oil companies and investigate politicians who take money from big oil companies or other companies. We should also investigate politicians who take money from *any* company. Publicly funded campaigns are the best way to protect America's 1st amendment.

This will reduce oil companies' control over politicians and our ability to enforce and produce our laws regarding energy and the market.

ExxonMobil has been procuring numerous patents about energy technology and American oil reserves, which it does not employ. These technologies can provide limitless pollution free energy, as the published and tested patents proclaim. If we force these technologies to be released we will cut off the process of cornering the energy market and change the way the world does business and conducts society dramatically for the better immediately.

The White House has given itself authority to do *anything* that is in the name of national security, which is wrong. what kind of reciprocating tenets and rights does this give the public, and set for other nations?

It is mandatory that the USSC step in and swat down these unConstitutional and false statements made by the Executive branch. It's their job. Do it, or someone else frankly will. I know this country will not tolerate that kind of overt behavior. We have been fortunate that the market has continued at such a level for this long. Work on this project to restore our nation, eliminate the illegitimacy of power, and to release mandatory technologies.

We should take those technologies from ExxonMobil in the name of "National Security" instead of the oil from Iraq for the same.

By restoring control of government and technology to individuals we can avert a major disaster. What will happen if we *do not* corner the energy market and allow libertarianism to flourish in the place of supercontrol.

What can you do?

1. Buy an AK-47 or an M-14.
2. Study these documents.
3. Sell your TV.
4. Sell your SUVs, if you have them.
5. Contact your senator and other politicians frequently about these topics.
6. Contact business leaders about these potentialities, and reduce your support for major corporations.
7. Educate others on these topics to the best of your abilities.
8. Try to eat organic, and be ready.
9. Keep an open mind. Do not cling tenaciously to any single politician or company.
10. Pray to God that there be peace and love.

^ this works according to number theory, which I just noticed at #9.

Best of Luck in the Coming Years,


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