
US Government, Pentagon, members of the United States House and Senate, members of the American Armed Forces, FBI, CIA, NSA, UN, and international governments and military bodies, this blog is for you. Call Senators: 202-224-3121.

Monday, June 18, 2007

There is a human social pathology that no level of materialism or intellectual dynamicism can cure. It has been brought out from the Garden of Eden, and we are currently reaching maturity.

We approach a level of wealth where we could have anything, and a technological finesse, published, where we could produce anything and have any dynamic of society present. These conditions fail to eclipse the social pathology that we experience, and there is nothing more than that the world can do to attempt to detoxify ourselves.

Numerous individuals have used these tools to detoxify themselves, or express in eclipse of evil in their presence and without. Many members of society fail even in this great buoyancy to become worthwhile individuals.

Those who are successfully detoxed of the pathologies of the Garden should no longer suffer alongside those who have failed to detox.


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