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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Information and Iran

Elected satanists, [Bohemian Grove/Illuminati/Council on Foreign Relations/Skull and Bones supporter/Neoconservative] Dick Cheney has asked his counterparts and co-satanists in the corporate media to promote and sell to the American public an American invasion against Iran.

Please, pray for peace and understanding and knowledge of the truth between our two nations.

So have I seen reports in the Economist, which is focused strangely on Iran, and a focus in National Geographic on Pakistan, which could be circumstantial.

Please, pray for peace and understanding and knowledge of the truth between our two nations.

Please watch for more reports from different media names about Iran, and beware of an impending invasion against Iran, if it comes with or without substantial public support. Be on the watch for the kind of suspicious events that Satanists would want occuring with Iran. there may be highly suspicious stories slanted very heavily against Iran in the media. Please investigate them promptly and more closely than corporate media.


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