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Thursday, July 06, 2006

An Army of Lieutenants

In any organization, all participants are their own masters. I belong to no man, although I comply with standing authority present in The Bill of Rights, the Constitution, our founding papers, and secondarily, it's representatives in our state. Before any of this I belong to God and seek to honor him by obeying his law, believing in and having faith in him and his son Jesus Christ, and behaving honestly in these beliefs.

In a state or any agreement, we all are sovereign. This is what freedom of choice is. As sovereigns we are all commanders of some part of the world, and form social accords and agreements to dedicate our resources together in pursuit of a goal we all desire to achieve. This is not ownership nor enlistment, it is community lieutenantship. We all are lieutenants of the causes we have aspired to, and all must work together, or alone with God, to pursue them. No one does what they believe to be wrong. No one commands what they believe to be wrong. We are free and all workers unto one another.


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