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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hugo Chavez

I am quite pleased with many of Hugo Chavez' initiatives, and his style of government is economically even handed. I must note numerous instances of his behavior and policy for the purpose of *improvement* of Venezuela, and its ability to speak to and improve the world.

I must refer Mr Chavez to a posting on www.weeklyworldthingy.blogspot.com about non-incendiary media. It does no good to simply make names for someone, no matter how much you dislike them nor what they do. We all know what justice is and when it does not happen it must merely be pointed out or recognized, and God will take care of the rest.

Furthermore, I invite you, Mr. Chavez, to provide for your people all the Constitutional and Bill of- rights for all your people, and to attempt to extend these rights to people all over the world. They are good rights, and the United States does a very poor attempt at interpreting them. I invite you to offer up your interpretation.

I invite you also to examine the energetic possibilities of Nikola Tesla's electrical systems and theories and to examine water splitting patents from the United States and internationally for scientific attempts at duplication. Billy Bunkie the Science Junkie is a good start to this.

If a Tesla-style electrical network were set up between Cuba and Venezuela, especially one that could reach American territory in Florida and provide it with free power to anyone on that frequency, it would be a more serious threat to the American economy than any level of armed conflict.


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