
US Government, Pentagon, members of the United States House and Senate, members of the American Armed Forces, FBI, CIA, NSA, UN, and international governments and military bodies, this blog is for you. Call Senators: 202-224-3121.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Synethesized Media

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From only a 10 minute recording of your own voice, companies can recreate anything you might ever want to say, or not want to. Colin Powell was so impressed by hearing his voice say 'I am alive and my captors are treating me well.' that he wanted a copy of the software. Another US General's voice was made to say 'Gentlemen, I have gathered you here to today to plan the overthrow of the US Government.'

And Wowie Wow Batman!! Get an internet computer to schedule and make all your phone calls for freezle!! I am totally calling the future.


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