
US Government, Pentagon, members of the United States House and Senate, members of the American Armed Forces, FBI, CIA, NSA, UN, and international governments and military bodies, this blog is for you. Call Senators: 202-224-3121.

Friday, October 06, 2006


We're facing a world unity platform that is based on the rights of "investors, lendors,..." and corporations and major businesses and business interests. The United States is a sock puppet containing many interests. Among them the hands of about 50 businesses, or business interests ruled by about 5 collective 'hands', and a small series of individuals representing those businesses artificially, certain military interests defending those hands and all in the sock and in some ways the branched corporate hands wherever they may appear on earth.

Along with this amalgum are the voices of individual people, citizens, as individuals and in the groups they create. These forces move more with voices than with money or weapons, so they are often overshadowed by the massive corporations and their media setworks.

According to Chomsky and believed by about 90% of real people, this system of globalization is not desirable, and unfairly favors those who shout louder. A system must be installed similar to the Senate so that big states and big companies get only one vote, and not one vote per dollar.

These are principles that helped found our nation, and must help found the world if it is to be democratic and peace-loving and not unbalanced and sinking. We have only a small amount of time to accomplish this because of human population and earth's resources and pollution. The time of spreading this information is high. Soon shall come the times of acting on this information and feeling the consequences of our actions and response to information. May there be peace and justice for all.

"[a] Noam Chomsky. [b] Our time draws short."


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