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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Chinese Decentralization

Jesus Christ is the son of God. I want to help the people of China attain a higher quality of living. Before they can become a primary nation they must deal with their athiesm. I may recommend that Chinese officials of the PRC examine theological data presented regarding the historical Jesus Christ, the power of prayer, the miracles of Lourdes and other Christian miracles, the existance of the spirit, the existance of angels and demons, universal humans rights and kindness, and the teachings of Jesus Christ in the gospels, and the reality of a real, living, conscious God [just as you are real living and conscious]. You may also wish to examine the conditions of ESP, psychokinesis, and mind power of quantum events.


It may be a boon to the Chinese, and world, quality of life to decentralize their urban environments. While overpopulation is not a problem, overcrowding indeed can be difficult, and can produce unpleasant emotional energies. This can also allow many people to be delivered from polluted environments.

Chinese cities have grown as millions of Chinese have left the countryside and farmlands to seek culture and work in the cities. The reasons these cities cannot decentralize or expand outwards while reducing in density [this seems like suburbanism] is partially because of the need for farmland and partially because of artificial transportation contraints.

Farmland can be made more productive across the world and China, both actions being beneficial to Chinese and the world, by using advanced greenhousing.

Travel can be made easier with the use of water splitting and other clean energy technologies. These clean technologies can also improve life existing in dense urban environments by eliminating their need for filthy coal and nuclear power plants and the pollution of combustion engines transporting goods to and from the city. Factories can also update their technology and devices to run more cleanly. Air travel can also be made cleaner using the midairport.

While urban diffusion is a fine idea it is of critical importance to leave large areas of wilderness and greenspace to preserve the environment. This wilderness should be at least 50% of the space of the megacity, regardless of the scale of the city, even if it covers the earth's entire surface. This space should be well cultivated and contain a high level of biomass.

Furthermore, green space should permeate all urban environments. All meaningful building rooftops should be fitted with greenhouses. They can be used to grow food or cleanse urban air and also urban emotional energy. They are in prime locations for wind farming and will help trap heat inside the building. Urban environments all think of their skylines, but a greenhouse does not need to change the shape ort color of a skyline if it is not desired. Enclosed greenhouses can also be beautiful additions to a building, and can be made on top of buildings with minimal structural adjustment.

By changing these features, world cities will pollute less and be able to house more people comfortably. They will also interfere less with the natural environment and allwo for more food products to be grown. These cities will be pleasant and fruitful and produce good social environments.


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