
US Government, Pentagon, members of the United States House and Senate, members of the American Armed Forces, FBI, CIA, NSA, UN, and international governments and military bodies, this blog is for you. Call Senators: 202-224-3121.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

To do:

Write business leaders and government agents about my proposals. Write publishers about my proposals. Link them to the webpages I have provided.



“One commonly hears that carping critics complain about what is wrong, but do not present solutions. There is an accurate translation for that charge: "They present solutions, but I don't like them." In addition to the proposals that should be familiar about dealing with the crises that reach to the level of survival, a few simple suggestions for the United States have already been mentioned: 1) accept the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and the World Court; 2) sign and carry forward the Kyoto protocols; 3) let the UN take the lead in international crises; 4) rely on diplomatic and economic measures rather than military ones in confronting terror; 5) keep to the traditional interpretation of the UN Charter; 6) give up the Security Council veto and have "a decent respect for the opinion of mankind," as the Declaration of Independence advises, even if power centres disagree; 7) cut back sharply on military spending and sharply increase social spending. For people who believe in democracy, these are very conservative suggestions: they appear to be the opinions of the majority of the US population, in most cases the overwhelming majority. They are in radical opposition to public policy. To be sure, we cannot be very confident about the state of public opinion on such matters because of another feature of the democratic deficit: the topics scarcely enter into public discussion and the basic facts are little known. In a highly atomised society, the public is therefore largely deprived of the opportunity to form considered opinions.”

-Noam Chomsky


this is critical. American democracy, if fairly distributed and held, would easily overpower the state’s contrast with public opinion. Our representatives have shown an unwillingness to accommodate this public opinion and an artificial imbalance has been made. How can it be exposed and remedied?

Referendums are a fine choice, as they would assuredly reflect the public opinion. Deatomization of the public is a good way to organize and build confidence in this public opinion to the point that action occurs.

*Public* control of the media could dispense these views. Increasing public access to information formed freely by individuals, possibly via the internet, is an excellent way to advance this unity. This may occur in the blogosphere or could flourish if corporate news or the FCC were dismantled or adjusted to allow for more original public political and social debate on these topics.

I believe that when the 9/11 myths fall, the public will unify and peacefully reconquer the government. The only things that would stand in their way would be the politicians who currently have control and those making lots of money on the current system nationally and internationally.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Letter To Kennedy

Thank you for your response regarding immigration reform!

I am pleased that you are addressing this issue, but more must be done than is on the table. Immigrants have little incentive to become citizens if they are able to work without becoming a citizen for more than they are paid in their home countries. Current economic conditions indicate that this figure will continue to be the case.

We can do 2 things. We could change the economic disparity in some ways. We could also provide greater incentives to become a citizen.

Changing the economic disparity between America and its regional nations could be an effective way to reduce illegal immigration by making would-be illegal immigrants choose to stay where they are. This can be done through increased trade and fair trade, increased education, and particularly by changing root problems of the 3rd world condition such as the American farming subsudy.

If we reduced the American agriculture subsudy we would increase the value of agriculture worldwide by a slight margin. This would increase the ability of 3rd world farmers to make a living, providing agribusiness in their regions and contributing to their economies and local foodstocks. For example, a Colombian farmer can barely remain alive by farming land, but if he grows coca plants to process into cocaine he can make 10-100X his annual salary in one crop. This is a very attractive figure and contributes to 3rd world poverty and disruption.

American farming subsudy contributes to 3rd world poverty.

3rd world poverty contributes to illegal immigration.

Reducing the American farming subsudy will reduce 3rd world poverty and illegal immigration.

We can also provide 'party favors' to immigrants to attract them to the process alongside what many come to America to get: greater prosperity. A party favor of a 6 week non-live-in training course at the border would be a tough obstacle to pass, tougher than a fence or a dude with a shotgun.

Make the right choice. Untangle the mess of wires.

I also demand that you reform election finance. Relying on private fundraising puts emphasis on money instead of democracy. Providing equal public funding for anyone who can gather enough signatures/votes to possibly contend for public office is a much fairer way of electing representatives. It will circumvent private interest groups and
place focus on public forums of politicians and campaign issues instead of bombardment. This will make things get done in a much faster, cleaner, and fairer way, and will increase citizen participation, improving citizen awareness and social quality, empowering people and immigrants to want to work with the government and to make things better. The positive effects of this are hair raising.

Democracy is a cookoff, not a buffet.

On Wed, 24 May 2006 18:28:42 -0400, Kennedy_Response@kennedy.senate.gov
> Dear Mr. Bunker:
> Thank you for contacting me concerning the ongoing debate over
> immigration reform. This is a complex issue, with many concerns, and it
> requires a comprehensive solution. 12 million undocumented workers are
> currently living in the United States, working, paying taxes, and raising
> children who are U.S. citizens. These undocumented immigrants contribute
> to our economy, and it is long past time to provide legal avenues to
> bring
> them out from the shadows.
> Border enforcement has increased dramatically from 1990 to 2004.
> The
> budget for the Border Patrol has increased from $263 million in 1990 to
> $1.6 billion today - a six-fold increase. During this period, between
> 480,000 and 660,000 undocumented immigrants entered the U.S. each year.
> In
> all, nearly 9 million have arrived since 1990. Our immigration system is
> broken, and enforcement alone will not fix it.
> We need realistic and comprehensive solutions that will protect our
> borders, enable temporary workers to enter the country legally, and allow
> workers already here to earn legal status. I’m proud to be a sponsor,
> with
> Senator McCain, of the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act, a
> comprehensive reform of our nation’s immigration system. Under our
> proposal
> undocumented immigrants who wish to become citizens must show they are
> currently working, pay a $2000 fine, work for an additional six years,
> pass
> security checks, pay taxes, learn to speak English, learn about American
> civics, and get in line behind all other legal immigrants before being
> eligible for a green card.
> Border Security is addressed in the bill. It establishes a
> National
> Border Security Strategy, based on "smart" border technology, information
> sharing, and cooperation with our neighbors. A new temporary visa will be
> created to allow foreign workers to enter the U.S. The visa will be valid
> for 3 years, and can be renewed one time for a total of 6 years.
> Enforcement of current laws will be strengthened, improving fraud
> detection
> and allowing random audits of employers to ensure compliance with
> existing
> labor laws. Unnecessary obstacles preventing families from being together
> when immigrating to the U.S. are also removed. The bill will enable
> undocumented immigrants to come out of the shadows, submit to background
> checks, and register for legal status. During this time, they would have
> to
> continue working, play by the rules, and pay substantial fines and back
> taxes. The bill is not an amnesty, which implies that all is forgiven.
> It
> is not. Undocumented workers must pay fines and go to the back of the
> line
> before earning a chance for citizenship.
> By heritage and history, America is a nation of immigrants. Our
> bill
> proposes necessary changes in the law while preserving this tradition.
> These necessary changes will ensure that immigrant families today, as in
> the past, continue to live the American dream and contribute to our
> prosperity, our security, and our values.
> Again, thank you for writing to me about this important issue.
> Sincerely,
> Edward M. Kennedy

Thursday, May 11, 2006

This blog is to improve the function of and analyze the war on terror and how it is conducted.

The war on terror was intensified by the 9/11 failures. However, numerous elements about the disaster suggest fraud, which, if 9/11 is an example, is as dangerous or more dangerous than actual attacks. If we are to defend our nation against assault by international militia, we must accomplish certain goals.

We must strive to be likable by everyone in the world and celebrate and continue to develop our own cultural and religious traditions. This is the first line of defense against terrorism: encouraging people to not want to be terrorists. This is more important than strength.

We must reduce world threat while maintaining freedom, taking into consideration the consequences of our actions and the liklihood of our analysis. We can reduce world threat by eliminating nuclear power plants and fissionable material, securing borders peacefully, and leading with and cooperating alongside international military and diplomatic organizations.

Economic and direct military efforts to dissuade terrorist movements are secondary to the reasons they exist. It is desirable for terrorist organizations to dissolve and return to public life. This will not be accomplished by killing the last terrorist. It will be accomplished by joining the last person to human society with love. It is important and I feel that some politicians do not believe it, so I will say it again.

****This will not be accomplished by killing the last terrorist.****

The military cannot defeat terrorism. The CIA and NSA cannot defeat terrorism.

It will be accomplished by joining the last person to human society with love. Love is the answer. Expressed through caring for individuals, foreigners, by engaging in fair trade, forum discussion, cultural exchange, international peaceworks, education and compassionate clean industry, and removing the fear [terror] from life as a human.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

If I were in charge of the American military and military budget, I would make certain changes to our military strategy to reflect these ethical choices.

First, I would leave Iraq and invite the United Nations to send peacekeeping forces and diplomats and nation builders to the region from my position as a General. I would leave my share of soldiers in Iraq, which I approximate to be 10,000, to care for macroduties such as maintaining national sovereignty and performing service projects including immunization of Iraqis and attending to their medical needs while hospital support is restored. I would spend my military budget and force building schools and courthouses and forums and pools of water. I would begin projects to establish Concentrating Solar Power initiatives in the hot Iraqi desert and build fuel cell power plants there, which I would have guarded on a contingent basis. I would have my soldiers do this, not mercentile contracters, except for technical work, which I would hire Iraqi firms and technicians primarily by budget to perform.

Air cover over Iraq would end or become extremely limited. Military policework would all but cease, and American targets would dematerialize. I would assure Iraqis of their national security and allow Kurdistan to become an affiliated autonomous region and disengage from that zone, except by invitation.

I would highlight these positive steps regarding Iraqi progress and note my disengagement from the occupation. I would shift focus from fighting to nationbuilding alongside fresh and bright UN forces and leaders.

The soldiers recovered from Iraq could be sent to the Sudan to maintain peace and supply chains in the region. I would use air cover in the region to intimidate fighters and armor to engage any hostile fighters seeking to pillage or disrupt supply. I do not expect to need to use force of arms to make peace in this area, but merely to send 90,000 soldiers to the zone and for them to maintain order until diplomatic relations and solutions can be brought about. I believe the two remaining rebel factions could be coerced into agreements if they heard sonic booms overhead and saw big yellow buggers rolling about all over the place. Furthermore, the soldiers mere presence would stop rape and violence and they would dispense rations to end transient hunger caused by war. I would also ask the UN to commit troops to this engagement and to be more watchful and willing to engage events such as this one. How many murders does it take before the UN officially must send troops? 50,000? Diplomats must decide, and not be afraid to request peacekeeping resources for peacekeeping purposes.

I would bombard North Korea and Iran with radio broadcast of meaningful discussion of hostilities, American intentions, world intentions, current news from around the world in numerous languages, and messages of peace. I might broadcast the dispensation of certain kinds of gifts to them, such as children's coloring books and crayons, ribbons, techbooks, postcards, and I would encourage my citizens and the world to pray for them and to send them letters which I would have delivered. I would ask the North Koreans and Iranians to petition American and world sources for assistance such as medical procedures and treatments, educations, Make A Wish style events. I would select hundreds or thousands of them and fulfill their requests. We could devote a portion of the military budget to this peacekeeping mission and do it to nations in the whole world.

I would reduce military R&D on new airplane systems and focus on developing and installing scramjets on our planes. This will allow them to respond to disasters all over the world using less fuel and time. I would reduce the number of nuclear weapons held by the United States, which currently is around 10,000, to a very low figure and switch our policy of nuclear weaponry from strike first or mutually assured destruction to one of peace finding. 100 nuclear weapons should be quite sufficient, and other nations could join us in pursuing the goal of a world without nuclear weapons. Any nation seeking to build nuclear weapons will show up on infrared satellite radar and other global space and economic detection systems, and can be stopped before they are able to meaningfully deploy the weapons.

In addition to this I would petition the world to eliminate nuclear power plants, exposing the records of military nuclear plant data and testing, and promote and subsudize the shutting down of nucelar plants and the establishment of renewable power resources. This is in line with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and would set the example to the world. I would ban funding for new nuclear weapons.

I would buy and research methods of more securely treating and eliminating nuclear waste and purchase ex-Soviet weapons systems to destroy them.

I would refit numerous pieces of engined military hardware with fuel cell engines and metal hydrogen fuel rods, reducing military footprint, vulnerability, reducing vehicle noise, pollution, explosivity, and supply train. This would reduce the cost of maintaining the military and spur the fuel cell industry in the civilian sector, which is sorely needed, and reduce environmental damage.

I would research advanced forms of body armor to protect soldiers from attack while on foot. As vehicles were upgraded with fuel cell technology I would upgrade their armor and countermeasures systems.

I would devote a portion of the military budget in general to performing world service such as digging wells, teaching students, and building shelters and schools and hospitals. Being a fulltime soldier would resemble being in the reserves, except you would be based for six months or a year at a time in a certain peaceful country on an exchange program of work and study, while you would also train at various barracks and with foreign soldiers. Soldiers would also go on training programs resembling peacefire skirmishes in remote regions and environments lasting for two weeks or so. A skirmish containing 100,000 soldiers or more would be excellent training for a peacekeeping mission in response to a crisis such as Darfur.

I would allow my soldiers their first ammendment rights to say what they chose to about a conflict, conduct or performance of the military. I would allow the formation of militias alongside the military. Personally I would not commit to a military outfit where I was forced to do what the leaders told me to. I would not pursue those goals in all cases and would not place myself in a promise to. But I do care about the security of the nation and world and I would like to encourage and allow citizens to become trained in ethics and technical skills and self defense and give them the environment and opportunity to commit fully to it. Militias would be somewhat more autonomous than brigade life and would remain technically civilian, although they could be deployed to peacekeeping zones and guard supply chains and assist the military while not engaging in front line combat. In the event of a war they would be a step up from reservists and would likely join suit on at least temporary basis.

I would devote a portion of my military forces to UN projects at UN request under my own command, possibly in lieu of paying dues, or as a partial payment in kind. The other changes to my military already reflect numerous United Nations charter goals and working closely with international forces would benefit all statewide military campaigns.

Regarding non-state peacekeeping actions, I believe we can beat our swords into ploughshares. I believe that economic, industrial, and military adjustments along with legal, educational and social change can make everything from gangs to terrorism official history.

This blog is to describe my status as a conscientious objector. After that statement is completed, I will analyze the effects of free will on a world with jazz justice, morale, and military trustworthiness.

It is wrong to fight. War is a failure of more level headed means. I will not fight unless it is to protect my own life of the life of someone who is unable to defend themselves. Particularly moving to me were the statements from a Catholic on television remembering his expinces on the battlefield and in private life. I use many of his words.

A woman has cancer of the womb, but is pregnant. Can the womb be removed ethically? The aswer is yes, to save the life of the mother, even if the child dies. [Modern medical technology may be able to save most such premature babies, but this cannot always be the case.] However the procedure must be done to save the life of the mother and not to kill the child, and there must be grief for the death and hope for the life.

This means that life is not in the hands of mankind. We are stewards of this earth, not 'masters of the universe'. A farmer does not destroy crops, he tends them peacably, and only to promote life. Would i cut off my own hand? Never, not unless it was causing me to sin for fear of hell, or if i had cancer there which would kill me. Even now, LOX can prevent the metastasis of cancer and immune system therapy can help me kill it.

But the same cannot be said of an invader. I pray that no one in the world is forced to kill ever. That violence is not made a necessary tool. Let us beat our swords into ploughshares. I am a man of peace. I am able to turn away crowds of angry people without a strike. If God has placed me in a situation where I am being attacked by an armed man and I am unable to assuage him or her from their evil intentions, I must defend myself from being wrongfully killed by killing or disabling them. Better for them to be killed and face God with wrath on their heart than murder as well. And I am better alive and thankful to the Lord and regretful that I was unable to heal that man or woman and forced to prune them than dead and in heaven, to serve my brothers and God as a human on this planet longer. I will hope for the success of peace before I plan on winning a fight.

Jesus said that lusting after a woman in your heart is the same as committing adultery with her. So is murdering someone in your heart. So is pride, envy, wrath, all sin. Some sins are apparent, some visible only to God. All are wrong. War is failure.

Better Godliness Through Chemistry is the world's best plan for peace that I know of. I have posted it at http://bettergodlinessthroughchemistry.blogspot.com/ .

God does not need our help exacting His justice. God is infinitely merciful and forgiving and loving, but is also infinitely just and powerful. Prayer and love are better ways to petition God for justice than to take it into your own hands.

I would shoot the homicide bomber before they pulled the plug. But invading a nation is untenable. Dropping bombs from a plane haphazardly on 'enemy' territory is murder that I cannot allow. That bomber should have studied to become a diplomat or architect or upstanding citizen, to voice what he or she knows to be right, rather than shout Raqa.

Justice does not come immediately, or the axe that you drop would fall on your own head. While this happens now and again, justice is often delayed so that you may learn the lessons that would keep you from sin instead of simply executing you. After all, you were infected by trickery and God loves you and is your father. Honor your mother and father without killing your brothers and sisters.

Morale. The draft. The institution of war. In any war worth fighting, the military merely serves as an organization and arming of a grand militia. During peacetime, the military is engaged in public service and peacekeeping, and being prepared. A military is not to conquer the world, it is not to threaten neighbors. It is to defend yourself from that one man who is an assaulter.

There is honor in the human form. The one who raises a hand or salutes or wears a badge or a patch is laying stickers over the human solidarity. Any able bodied man is a policeman, soldier, friend, or has all the duties of them, before God and his human family. The uniform of a policeman is merely the garb that means ,'I specialize in martial arts and law.' Authority is not from clothes or guns, it is from duty and love and given by God.

The world's militaries have been colluded and abused by the world's states. A military of discipline is to serve humanity. But a state of corruption and succeptibility to money is one of fear, while the soldier is fearless in service and one with all humanity.

***As a lawful human being, led only by God's word through ethics and justice, I cannot submit myself meaningfully to any state-serving military command. My name is William Bunker.***

I am ashamed that a nation of peers has indoctrinated and deluded its own people and sent mercenaries to occupy another land. A mission to save the unjustly imprisoned and imperiled is one matter and could possibly be godly in nature if the intentions and necessity of the actions are righteous.

War is only suitable in the case of preventing death, such as saving lives in the Sudan, or organizing to prevent or stop the invasion of a region by foreigners. Nuclear war is never an option. Economic war is never an option. Invasion for resources or land by armed means is never an option. Areas with land and resources should be used in the kindest way to serve mankind.

Poverty and famine kills millions more than war, and lack of proper education and science and industrial organization creates hard work and pollution for all. Lack of piety displeases God.

Pursuing loving tactics is very beneficial.