
US Government, Pentagon, members of the United States House and Senate, members of the American Armed Forces, FBI, CIA, NSA, UN, and international governments and military bodies, this blog is for you. Call Senators: 202-224-3121.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

7 Charges Filed Against Bush and Cheney by the House Judiciary CMTE


"This Minority Report has been produced at the request of Representative John Conyers, Jr., Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee. He made this request in the wake of the President=s failure to respond to a letter submitted by 122 Members of Congress and more than 500,000 Americans in July of this year asking him whether the assertions set forth in the Downing Street Minutes were accurate. Mr. Conyers asked staff, by year end 2005, to review the available information concerning possible misconduct by the Bush Administration in the run up to the Iraq War and post-invasion statements and actions, and to develop legal conclusions and make legislative and other recommendations to him.

In brief, we have found that there is substantial evidence the President, the
Vice President and other high ranking members of the Bush Administration misled Congress and the American people regarding the decision to go to war with Iraq; misstated and manipulated intelligence information regarding the justification for such war; countenanced torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and other legal violations in Iraq; and permitted inappropriate retaliation against critics of their Administration.

There is a prima facie case that these actions by the President, Vice-President and other members of the Bush Administration violated a number of federal laws, including
(1) Committing a Fraud against the United States;
Making False Statements to Congress;
(3) The War Powers Resolution;
Misuse of Government Funds;
(5) federal laws and international treaties prohibiting torture and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment;
(6) federal laws concerning retaliating against witnesses and other individuals; and
federal laws and regulations concerning lleaking and other misuse of intelligence.

While these charges clearly rise to the level of impeachable misconduct,
because the Bush Administration and the Republican-controlled Congress have blocked the ability of Members to obtain information directly from the Administration concerning these matters, more investigatory authority is needed before recommendations can be made regarding specific Articles of Impeachment. As a result, we recommend that Congress establish a select committee with subpoena authority to investigate the misconduct of the Bush Administration with regard to the Iraq war detailed in this Report and report to the Committee on the Judiciary on possible impeachable offenses.

In addition, we believe the failure of the President, Vice President and others in the Bush Administration to respond to myriad requests for information concerning these charges, or to otherwise account for explain a number of specific misstatements they have made in the run up to War and other actions warrants, at minimum, the introduction and Congress= approval of Resolutions of Censure against Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney.

Further, we recommend that Ranking Member Conyers and others consider referring the potential violations of federal criminal law detailed in this Report to the Department of Justice for investigation; Congress should pass legislation to limit government secrecy, enhance oversight of the Executive Branch, request notification and justification of presidential pardons of Administration officials, ban abusive treatment of detainees, ban the use of chemical weapons, and ban the practice of paying foreign media outlets to publish news stories prepared by or for the Pentagon; and the House should amend its Rules to permit Ranking Members of committees to schedule official Committee hearings and call witnesses to investigate Executive Branch misconduct.


What do we do when the President is worthy of impeachment, but controls Congress to the point of corruption in that they will not investigate the charges against him? Furthermore, the Supreme Court Justices have failed to act on these abuses of power.

It is a misstate.

I am not willing to wait for justice!! In lieu of the Supreme Court, which may soon be shown to be in dereliction or negligence, we should bring the charges of the Executives in specific to the 9 district supreme courthouses, being the next highest ranking judicial authority, and to every lower ranking judicial authority from the regional court level down to the community level.

Do not Kill This Man

They're going to execute Saddam in 30 days.


First up, capital punishment is wrong by definition. All humans have the inalienable right to life, which is sworn in the Constitution, which all presidents must defend, and which rights are given to all men created equally.

Later, I suspect that the man we have imprisoned is *not* Saddam Hussein. His wife's first reaction upon seeing the man we have was 'this is not my husband'. He also had numerous body doubles purposefully hand picked to impersonate him.

This is 'reasonable doubt'. Do not kill this man.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

A force that rules the Middle East's oil supply would have a large amount of market control over the industrialized world. But the industrialized world does not need oil because of advanced technology.

Russia's work is concerning. May God guide them. An ex-KGB spy dies from poisoning from Russian land when he has secrets about the killing of a journalist who has special information via the English investigation. The English seem to decide not to act on the information, Putin praises the work of their spies shortly thereafter.

England should continue and publish their reports.

Middle East

Enjoy visiting more informational sites at:
Homestead Magazine
US Department of Energy II
Education Freedom
Life in the Universe
The Weekly World Thingy [not humorous version. sorry]

For the longest time, we've been reliant on mideast oil. Saudi sources being the largest stake. We in America have prospered for a long time through our oil deals with the Saud family. It's known that we've propped them up militarily despite many of the Saudi people's wishes, and despite their extremely undemocratic processes. They in turn have remained loyal to us in the realm of oil.

It could be said that a major industrial nation having formal ties to the Middle East will do well, receiving inexpensive oil and performing well commercially and industrially at home, if they allow themselves to.

America has prevented itself from moving on from this natural resource-product deal by ignoring its own massive advances in energy technology. We, and the industrialized world, do not particularly need oil from anywhere in the world. We can use our own technology instead. Which is the country in the world that we want *least* to be attacked by a major force? It is probably Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Panama, Israel, or Great Britain, Germany, or France, or Japan. After that it would probably be Canada, Mexico, Italy and Spain, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia, which has a whole new barrel of monkeys, and probably India and China and Korea. Australia also plays a part. This is primarily in order of global and American importance. Disruption of ideal lines should not occur, and forces work to prevent this kind of event, and the preoccupation of these events.

But oil seems to drive world industry. And the world being so close to peak oil and so tightly choked upon it, disruption in the Middle East is the last thing we truly want. Which is so amazing that we've supported and armed Israel so radically, and given them a literal free range in doing anything they like in the Middle East. That is not right. Justice must be served there, in proportion.

I would not call the new Iraqi state not-viable. They may find themselves amalgamated into their neighboring countries, much to Iran, a Kurdish state eventually, Kuwait can take some of its motherland home, and probably a New Iraq. American activity in this area is simply illegitimate. We have no right to play in their regional role playing. Our only interest there is oil and peace, and the oil we can technically do without.

Apportioning resources and cultivation for those who need it and can use it well in God's service, we do not belong in Iraq. We could help them by playing an important UN role, which is the role of the world in looking out for the best in any region. But our ground soldiers will not meaningfully help at this point. Saudi Arabia should also advance their state and come closer to freedom.

Friday, December 22, 2006

A Difficult Solution

America and the world face numerous serious difficulties. To righten them, we should begin on a course of numerous solutions.


1. Begin legal proceedings against George W Bush, Dick Cheney, and affiliated members of the American Government, FBI, and CIA, for actions against the American People on and around 9/11/01, and for defrauding the state through illegal and fraudulently promoted war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Investigate Diebold and the Democratic and Republican parties and their private groups for fraudulent paper and electronic voting in the 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006 elections, and why this was rushed through government and allowed to continue amid vigorous public disapproval.

Investigate Presidential, CIA, FBI, NSA, and military threats to the Constitution and civil and international agreements regarding torture, prisoners of war, freedom of speech, and right to privacy.

Draw up new watchdog and legal premises to ensure that these kinds of conspiracies and treasonous acts do not happen again.


Investigate IMF and World Bank actions in association with American and other Western governments in promoting and supporting dictatorships and other undeclared war crimes.

Investigate automotive and fuel companies as well as the Saudi and American governments and militaries' involvement in conspiracy to conceal advanced energy and automotive technologies. This concealment and conspiracy is illegal and has precipitated substantial environmental and medical damage to millions of humans and has contributed to impoverishing billions.


Examine war plans from the US State against the American People, particularly internment camps for Americans, promotion of false war, excessive emergency powers and intelligence gathering, attacks against the Constitution, economic disenfranchisement, subversion of the media.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

America's Military Strength

America is in no *need* of expanding its military.

We should instead remove our troop presence from Iraq and consider withdrawing forces from other world locations in favor of a greater role for UN forces, or a globally reduced military action level.

If we left Iraq we could easily afford to replace soldiers to South Korea, if the need arises.

Iraq is not a serious threat to American interests. Iran is not either. We are far more capable of dealing with these foreign powers through economic and cultural means.

A military is to be used to defend the nation from foreign invasion rather than to exert our control over outside powers.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The United States

Numerous serious issues challenge the United States and the People of the United States.

The US is facing a massive financial crisis coming in 2008, and 2007 is already upon us. Oil is no longer being traded in dollars, so we'll be seeing much higher prices at the pump, on products, and on other oil-heavy products. We're coming knee deep in a period when the world is running out of 'cheap oil'. Our trillions of dollars of infrastructure and our products are designed to work using cheap oil. We're due for a major retool.

No one is going to tolerate a new structure that is as bad as the present one. We're headlong in Baghdad for no good reason. They have oil that we covet, terrorists hate us because we've screwed them over and made major plans to sabotage parts of our own state.

We may be planning a giant war for the late 2000's, early-mid 2010's. By, "we" I mean, "them". And I'm not talking about commies.

Our financial structure is in pre-ruins, which = ruins. We've been run into the ground by George Bush's policies, which are the head of some massive evil plan brought about by Halliburton, Bechtel, the Saudi State, the IMF and WB, the World Trade Organization, Israeli forces, a handful of American elected officials, and Satan's forces.

I really don't know what kind of control they hope to have, or over what. I doubt the American military would go into cities and arrest or quell American people under any circumstances. That would last about 3 days and nights and then it'd turn into anarchy. After 2008 I don't expect there to be a substantial oil-based economy.

Our Constitution will not be brushed aside lightly by anybody. There are millions of Americans who would defend the Constitution harder than defend against a terrorist attack. Even if it is struck from the lawbooks, it will still be in the culture of Americans and of free and freedom loving people everywhere.

So after the American and world citizen is no longer 'important' to economic and industrial rulers because of an economic collapse, what will they do?

Who calls us 'important' will shift.

God loves you much.

Smile! God loves you!

Sunday, December 17, 2006


I admit that I am displeased with the push for unification that is currently going on. Australia & New Zealand, the North American Union, the "Amero" currency, some news of unification in Asia, the failed Central American Free Trade project, they all displease me.

It seems to be spearheaded since this bilderburg meeting in June in Ottawa, or thereabouts.

What is wrong with US, Canada, and Mexico being 3 seperate nations? I would prefer freedom of migration to national unification. Nations should become *less* important, not more.

The NAU is unconstitutional. The president does not have the authority to sign treaties. Congress does that. Until Congress does it, I won't recognize it and neither will 300 million Americans and 9 judges. For trying to sign such a bill, the Law about senators and representatives refraining from "negotiating with foreign powers" should be cuffed upon our sitting president. John Kerry couldn't negotiate with Iran or Syria because he is only a senator. George Bush cannot finalize negotiations in this way with Mexico and Canada. He is only a president.

Unconstitutional. Impeachment. Jail. The law.

Friday, December 15, 2006

The path we're on right now since 9/11, and less abruptly since the 1950's and 1960's, is obviously deviant in some fundamental way from the path of righteousness. This is common knowledge from numerous cited sources. Assuming this, we can come to certain other conclusions.

We have two good option sets to choose from. The right way, which we are not on, and the wrong way, which is demonstrated and can be forecast.

The right way can become infinitely superior to any educated alternative. We can dispense our mountainous technology and information basically free to the public through our well established communications services, and begin major organizational changes to our industrial and commercial structure to produce a global economy that is universally beneficial. This could effect the previously cited 'end of materialism'. Social movements and programs and legal updates would conjoin this series of events to cleanse society of our ills. This is the 'war on terrorism', and how to win it.

How to *lose* it is what we're doing now. Who is the marginal victor of such a loss? Satan and his cronies, until they are destroyed by the Right Hand of God.

Any of you who are out there, be warned and know. We certainly could be communicating through SETI in an active manner. Who would jam that kind of information? Not a man or organization of God.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Hunters and Farmers

Everyone does everything in one of two ways: as a hunter or as a farmer. A hunter seeks advantage and exploits it. A farmer seeks stability and works it.

There will soon come a time when all hunters will have to become farmers. And all farmers who have turned hunter will have to return. Some corporations have become so powerful and large that they are hunters. Normally, a corporation or business is not a job of hunting. These are the hunter-farmers. A farmer cares for the land, for the family, for labor and productivity not to exploit, but to prosper. They do not set traps for good men. They pull weeds and shoot varmints, but they do not attack.

Thee who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Turkey and the EU

Recently, the EU has been investigating allowing Turkey to join.

Turkey is welcome as any state is welcome under certain conditions.

The EU stands for promoting humanity and human rights and decency, fairness and democracy, equality and love. Yes, love.

Holocaust deniers will be arrested in Germany, Austria, and assorted other countries. No Nazi material may be allowed inside those countries, nor in France nor Italy. Other countries may have laws regarding these materials. Furthermore, German law says that Germany, especially amongst the EU, must arrest war criminals and anyone else who could be tried in The Hague if they enter Germany's control.

Any applicatory country will not be spared dignities without justice. Turkey is openly guilty of the 1915 Armenian genocide. They must air this laundry before they can become a nation amongst the equal EU, as Germany has. Turkey must join the World Court and aid in bringing elements to justice. There shall be no torture, nor rendition of torture, nor military bases where torture is condoned. Nations guilty of this measure will be subject to their own Constitutions and to the tenets of the Natural Rights.

Turkey should produce legal documents on internet and information neutrality. They should allow religious activity of all kinds everywhere they have power to. They should scan the world for commercial trusts as are banned by the World Court, and engage in group trade negotiation and legal action with the EU.

Turkey should open its ports to Cyprus, as it is an EU nation.

Turkey should consider freedom of migration legislation as is a topic on the table in America and Europe.

Turkey could expect to be asked later regarding the Kurds and the creation of a new Kurdish homeland. It may also be good for Turkey to remove its troops from Iraq, if it has placed any within Iraq borders, and to press to use them in Iraq through the UN, although these last two issues are not immediately related to EU membership, except in the legality of the Iraq war, and in the judgement of Turkeys participatory actions in the conflict.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Impeachment, Cheney, and Chain of Command

I believe the torture scandals broke sometime after the 2004 election. Also didn't that American spy get outed on his watch since then? Um... continued POW infractions, signing the North American Union deal, which is only signable by Congress. This action is outside his authority to do so, and doing is could be considered antagonistic to the Constitution, which he has sworn to uphold.

It would take a proper Congressional investigation to find what George W bush has done.

Anything that impeaches George Bush could probably also impeach Dick Cheney. I seem to recall him ordering stand-downs on the Pentagon's RFID missiles firing to defend itself. He has to defend that action, and keeping it silent during a Grand Jury investigation, before keeping his post. He is also a primary suspect of the 9/11 events and a signator to the Project for a New American Century, which is culpability. No-bid contracts to Halliburton could be fraud. He also is facing charges at the World Court for bribery and corruption. We could show him to the French and see what they do.

Who is after Cheney in the line of command?

I forgive them, but these actions make another person a better choice for American presidency.

America: Ruler of Dictators

Rulers of Dictators

America has a history of controlling dictatorships and other nations around the world in a vicious fashion. John Perkins has a new book out called Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, and in his interviews he describes a teeming raft of chaos where American and Western Financier forces [CIA, Bechtel, Westinghouse, etc] ally to take supreme command of 3rd world and resource rich nations.

Perkins describes the method by which it is done. An area has resources. Corrupt leaders in that area are either found or installed by our covert forces or open support [our support of dictators and corruption], and our companies and finance houses enter negotiations to saddle massive loans from which they will not be able to escape or repay. Once they are unable to repay the loans, we force them to render to us, the lendors, their natural resources at racketeering prices. We also make them shift their economies and government support programs to funnel money to us [US et al] instead of use the money from their bounty to support their own people.

Also as a condition of the loans, we forbid them from producing goods that could compete with our industries and market.

When this is taken together, the fraudulent and motivated lending and the planned failure of the loan in particular, the control given to us is nothing short of economic colonization, and the means are nothing short of entrapment, fraud, and conspiracy to murder.

We have loans to all secondary markets, and to every nation in the 3rd world. Particularly of interest to us is oil, and other natural resources and places where American companies do business.

We are very close to financially conquering the world. The last nations left with major uncontrolled profitable resources are Iraq and Iran's oil. After them, every nation has drunk from our cup except North Korea and Cuba.

May God guide us in honoring him.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Civilian Deaths In Iraq

According to Democracy Now of December 11, 2006 [www.democracynow.org]

20 suspected MAM's [Military Aged Men] who could be called suspected militants for standing around and nothing more, were killed by US in an attack in Iraq. The attack also killed 6 women and 5 children.

The "magic number" according to NPR's report on civilian deaths, is 30. If more than 30 civilians would be killed in an attack, it needed a signature from Rumsfeld to go through. This is an attack where 31 people died. Since starting this war, UN checked methodology have shown that ~655,000 civilians have died from violence. However, this does not count the civilian homes that were razed or destroyed by action, or people and families that had no one left to tell their tale to poll takers at the residence they arrived at.

War crimes charges are being assembled. We treat civilians as military targets when they are not. This is war crime. We treat POW's in violation of the Geneva Convention IV and other international and domestic treaties. Exposure to elements as punishment, questionable camp status, secret detention centers, outright torture, kidnapping, religious defamation, these things are all war crimes for which generals have been convicted in the past. Unconstitutional detention and searches also have been committed and are wrong.

We must identify and produce justice on these "historic mistakes" or others will.

How long can America survive with an uneducated populace? The American media and state have placed a palisade wall around American minds for decades, which has developed several serious leaks and fractures. Americans have also been distracted from the information that does get through with various subterfuege, from Hollywood to material wealth to elitism.

We've gained knowledge by mass media events and other interaction.

What does an uneducated populace perform? What will an educated populace do differently?