
US Government, Pentagon, members of the United States House and Senate, members of the American Armed Forces, FBI, CIA, NSA, UN, and international governments and military bodies, this blog is for you. Call Senators: 202-224-3121.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

One World

When the public finds out about the state's collusion efforts among corporations and megacapitalists, their research and operations into alien contact, their economic colonization and organization of the world at large, [minus closed china, and reforming opposition russia and their strings] they will flip out.

This revelation should occur sometime in 2008, certainly before the presidential election. The imperialists are not relying on winning the 2008 presidential election. Therefore they likely will be stripping America of its power to thew best of their ability.

At the same time, corporations will be conglomerating into a single megacorporation that controls all of the world's important companies. This corporation views state governments and militaries as active fiscal entities and will be able to wield great force to change and affect them. They will likely buy or buy around/fiscally landlock around every world government. They will continue to use the governments they control as marketing wings for their authority systems.

We should immediately eliminate or reduce state authority and center the origin of authority and power on the individual. When the corporations come to wield state government authority they will have a reduced amount of strength and greater law and social public understanding to overcome.

Promoting and switching to libertarianism using the good American national forces available to the world's do-gooders will bring the best outcomes at this point.

Those in corporate power would seek to enhance their profit taking by the business model, and likely enact their plans of 500 million humans living in harmony with the planet, which is technically energetically degrading and unstable and involves the deaths of 6.2 billion humans. They will be stopped.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sizzler Missile

The sizzler missile has excellent technological features. A large subsonic missile approaches a target and at 10 miles fires a smaller item that goes mach 3 and zigs its path. it also flies no higher than 33' above sea level, well below radar.

The math:

I want this slow missile to fire 6 such minimissiles, not 1. I want it to optically and laserally track the height of waves to fly lower, and to have subaquatic capabilities with mini radar and sonar to find the ship and hit it from below water and avoid above-water challenge threats. I am disappointed that this will make it more jammable, and it should produce and record measurements periodically to go with the last best if it does get jammed.

Furthermore, I want it never to be used.

I want countermeasures to these missiles. Someday. Normal radar and [sonar] jamming, early warning radar detection propped buoys on leashes around the ship, perhaps with modest infobits and projectile countermeasures, maybe emp pulsers, unmanned aircraft anti-missile radar correspondance and laser tracking as well as confetti launching.

We could put separated thin hulls a few meters out from the ship's hull, but i suppose they'd be easy to punch. maybe if those metahulls could launch explosively shaped projectiles at incoming objects...

...or be defensively explosive.

It'd be a good fight. Currently the Gulf fleet would be toasted. This article coming out must indicate that we do not plan to succeed in the Gulf if we attack and are counterattacked by Iran and Russia. This would then say that we will not attack, unless we are ready for heavy losses.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Russia and America, Oil and Dollar
Co-Posted in www.receiptforlabor.blogspot.com

I am seeing some possibilities. They are nothing more than possibilities at this point. Although they have been speculated upon to modest degrees they are injustice.

America took Iraq. They took Afghanistan. Now America has been planning to invade Iran. While internationally weighing the wargames of this scenario and the industrial peak oil consequences of such a disaster, Russia announced that an invasion of Iran would be seen as an invasion of Russia. This has stalled American efforts at an Iranian invasion and complicated an American/Israeli/Saudi oil monopoly.

Americans may have been counting on using this potential monopoly or political capital from terrorism and war to leverage key military, financial, and industrial circumstances in future engagements which will not either not happen or happen much later, or a slight chance of soon but more dreadfully. It is more probable now that Russia and China will come into swing on the middle eastern and Indian/Pakistani topics and into the world economic and industrial and resource oriented scene.

Similarly, all three major players and Europe will be experiencing a massive cultural and political revolution regarding libertarianism as China falls to a social revolution sometime in 2008 or 2009, and Russian president Vladimir Putin faces a Russian Constitutional crisis in 2008, and America experiences the Ron Paul revolution into 2008 and other media projects, and Europe works with Islamists and sustainability through the decade.

Financial crises seem inevitable. The American dollar will crumble and collapse as it has been abused **in preparation for the Amero to replace it**. Get on the stick, CIA.

This should roughly coincide with a world oil crisis as peak oil comes to pass. New Brazilian crude could lighten the disaster, but will not nearly prevent it. Ron Paul and Alaskan and other energy infusions will come too late, but aid after the disaster hits, pinpointed perhaps 4-10 months from now, in time for the 2008 elections.

Russia has allegedly been working politically in the Middle Eastern regions to strengthen their position in respect to a potential Iranian invasion, particularly in Georgia and Jordan. China appears to be enhancing their hegemonic tendencies while softening to a revolution that could engulf the region.

China has collected even more dollar notes, rising the total to $1.45 trillion, up from 1.3 trillion shortly beforehand, and that up from 900 billion seemingly 6 months ago. The USD has fallen against the CAN and world currencies and oil and gold, and London revised upwards their futures estimates for gold for 2008 and 2009.

An oil shortage would be disastrous for humanity. Some 60% of our oil is used for agriculture, and our food reserves have dropped what appears to be 6 out of the past 7 years since 1999. Oil supply is tighter than any time other than 1980 and 1973, and oil prices have reached record highs at some $97 a barrel, up from $20 a barrel back when we had a meaningful food surplus. This price may be artificially inflated due to dollar weakness.

A war in Iran would be disastrous for humanity. It would precipitate an immediate oil shortfall of millions of daily barrels and war between America and Israel, and Iran and Russia, with China ringside leaning communist.

What is Japan doing in the meantime?


Leave Iraq
Impeach Dick Cheney and George Bush
Reopen 9/11 Commission in light of NIST and other evidence
Investigate the 1000 most powerful humans and their conspiracies
Ban AIPAC from America
Secure non-oil energy supplies and farming
Elect Ron Paul president
Expose corporate media
Train Americans in non-violent revolution and civil action
Other secondary goals.

These factors are tactically valuable to producing a sustainable nation during this extended rugged period. Sustainability is strateigic in this environment.

Sunday, November 04, 2007


It appears that you members of the intelligence community, you actual spy networkers reading this page, have two choices. You may become part of the Bilderburg Group's 500 million expected human survivors after this near future era. Your kids might be too. You are working to make it happen. You may know about the Bilderburg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations or other such organizations, you may not. Studying what they do and where you fit into it and what they rely on and control is wise.

According to science that I have watched the pioneering research into and proofs of concept, this population number is arbitrary. The control systems surrounding it are not necessary. Advanced science can allow humanity to sustain itself at current population levels and beyond.

Additional study can allow us to organize and provide for the way humanity works and the working of the human, without controlling humanity. Controlling humanity is the greatest challenge the NWO faces, as humans will never allow such conditions to be maintained worldwide and media will be unable to convince them that the losses of billions of lives due to infrastructure failures are accurate or unexpected. The backlash from this would be devastating.

Alternative to that, we can provide a new future for humanity of world freedom and capability without forced choices or human slavery or population decimation. If you do not think you or your children or family will be part of the 500 million or do not want to have such changes occur, study the topics pertinent to this change.

David Rockefeller says in his personal memos that he wants to destroy the United States of America.

The satanistic dream he has of an aggressively classist future world is unsustainable.


I denounce Pakistan's state of emergency and suspension of their constitution. Their neighbors do not have this emergency. There is nothing going on in pakistan, except the election, that would cause the state of emergency. Musharraf has toppled his own country in order to maintain his own selfish power control.

Friday, November 02, 2007

See if you can use this magnetic map of Europe to find properties or clues to events in WW2, racial stereotypical characteristics, colonial seat and imperial sentiments, and other events based on the numerical and color hz data in www.timetravelisforsuckers.blogspot.com.

Consider that this field is made of humanity as well as minerals and animals and geological properties. It may also affect humanity. As humans grow greater in magnetic hz on the whole and as individuals these stereotypical fields will not surround them or influence their decisions so greatly.

We should stop this foolish fighting over resources and begin farming these resources in a way that will not enslave living things, ourselves or others.

We will bring out the technologies of energy and use them to produce whatever goods it seems we need.

We must examine the arc of society and examine the places which have fallen most starkly, some into deep chasms. We should study the occurance of these things and prevent them from happening using powerful scientific/marketing focus. The worst 1% of the population cause many of the most serious problems, and indirectly the most problems.

Simply jailing these people is not sufficient. They will spend perhaps 10 years there and then be returned to society. Someone else in society has likely taken their place when they leave. We need to fix those parts of the dam and rearrange social flow to moderate weakness, or without new inputs, which are shrinking comparatively, we will become overtly terminal.

Energy technology will reduce some of the expression of human weakness, but the weakness itself may still be inherent in other situations. We should examine the inner workings of social and mental function. The easiest and best way to do this is electromagnetically, on a minute biological scale.

If you with the money are not paying a group of individuals to do this and study these topics with access to the best laboratory and medical material we have, then give me the money. I already am doing it and you will help me.

I want 12 of the best psychics in the world to gather in Washington and do with the 12/13 what 4000 meditating monks did to violent crime over a summer, but full time non-employment sustained dedication and to the world and mankind.

I want a group of these in every city to act as conveyors or conductive groups to dispense em function to mankind. They should be headed globally in archwork webwork quasi-authority patterns to detect fluxuations and nuance in themselves, headed by a ring and a member. This ring and member should rotate, and be copied.

Those who react with force, anything 11^, should be dealt with. Others are not criminals and are to be tried like females would try a person socially.


The defining events in the war on terrorism are not going to be physical violent victories. They will be industrial and economic and social victories, which the state and the war are actively striving *against* right now.