
US Government, Pentagon, members of the United States House and Senate, members of the American Armed Forces, FBI, CIA, NSA, UN, and international governments and military bodies, this blog is for you. Call Senators: 202-224-3121.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Previously, the war and this American political focus had been *for* the oil, as well as a series of economically minded fiscal scenarios regarding corporations and globalism. Now, the war and such effort is *over* the oil. Will it be oil or will it be the new techs?

Technically, it's green or black. Black = death. Green = life. Maybe a little too sooon. 000?

What does this mean? Barring oil [aka death, which has been explained in the past and will in the future] corporations will be busted up into regionals and coops. The populace will become educated generally in these new topics of 5-10 year and life importance, and society will shift in a new way into the new sustainable society. Industrialism and commerce will change, urban environments will change, science will change, religion and faith should blossom, agriculture will be anew, and social interaction will be totally different. The state will be way different. Privacy to these topics will decrease dramatically.

This is of the new law.
A modern expectation set is different from traditional play. Competition can die. Fear is meaningless. Boundaries and set stresses we grew up in as a culture and person will go away. Mankind can enter a heaven.

Friday, April 13, 2007

[Rich] Russian in England Plots Overthrow of Putin

I encourage this man to not stage or promote violent revolutions. This will not come to fruition. Democratic reform is the appropriate way. Trying corrupt leaders in international or fair national courts is the only way.

It may be beneficial to stimulate global referendums regardless of national boundaries, possibly held by the UN or other groups.

PS selling America' automakers will not produce a win for you.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Blackwater of California

This company is trying to set up a training camp in California. While militias are important, this is a corporate militia of mercenaries. Let's eliminate pirates, and not employ them to fight in our wars. ~150,000 mercenaries/contractors are paid to fight in Iraq.

Someday we will no longer train for war. What kinds of laws do we have governing these mercenary groups? What sorts of rights do they have under the 2nd Amendment and Constitution?

Also, congrats to Ahmadinejad for releasing those sailors. I think the message was sent. Also, let's not attack them on April 6.

Monday, April 02, 2007

National Guard 2.0

States are going to need to form a second national guard to perform their domestic duties where they cannot be uphled by the Federal government.

Each state has an inalienable right and a duty to their populace to arm and train and use militias for securing their land. If the state can sap the funding and training of the National Guard, which has been diverted from state control and service, and call the previous members into new militias they can perform this duty without substantial interference nor unwilling foreign tours of duty.

"But the seeds of disunion have been growing since the beginning. Vermont more or less sat out the War of 1812, and its governor ordered troops fighting the British to disengage and come home."

'The 10th Amendment says that 'powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.'


Vermont Seccession is a topic of note. I do not believe that states leaving the union is the best way to change the union, although if the need to defend oneself occurs, retreating to 'Canada' might be a good option. I believe the laws required to change the union exist in the Constitution and in natural law, or the Constitution can be used to bring us substantially closer to an ideal worldly state.

Vermont has the right to bring lawsuits to the USSC and the Vermont SC challenging the actions of the USG. Vermont can try and impeach the president in absentia with a legitimate level of legal authority. They can condemn the war in Iraq, prospective war in Iran and other countries, and challenge illegitimate positions of supermassive corporations. They can add hemp to their farmland and reap fiscal capital on green fuel, food, paper. Vermont can change its intrastate drug law at will and recover funds from policing.

Highways can potentially be paved using a mixture derived from hemp oil. Denatured industrial hemp can be a pleasant alternative to diesel. [Not to mention that advanced technology machine shops can produce thousands of cars inexpensively.] Vermont could grow its own transportation sector.

Numerous states conjoining to accomplish these goals could be a substantial fiscal market and legislative branch.