
US Government, Pentagon, members of the United States House and Senate, members of the American Armed Forces, FBI, CIA, NSA, UN, and international governments and military bodies, this blog is for you. Call Senators: 202-224-3121.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A New American Government

This post is guidance regarding the situation regarding 9/11 WTC7 revelations, and court cases and potential arrests regarding the vice president, and other changes.

It seems that the dam is bursting this week and into next.

Allegedly according to news on Myspace, the US military on Sunday attempted to arrest Dick Cheney in Sydney before the plane left. 3 were reported dead. They landed in Singapore to refuel and repair a generator. It seems that this either didn't happen, or it did and has been concealed.

7: Premeditation and -wildly- conflicting stories about absurdly timed demolitions in WTC7 vs an official story of gas cansietrs or whatever knocking it down. This will be investigated in court, and will promptly [<1 week] lead to new investigations into WTC, which will unravel the entire harangue [sp?].

It would be better, instead of any potential arrest, for the statesmen to be tried by the Supreme Court or highest court in Washington, DC, and they could simultaneously face action from Congress and a US Military court martial, expanding into engagements in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Unfortunately, this could spearhead about and before Iran, which will not be invaded. A probable outcome is a massive restructuring of the current American political scene, with power going more greatly to the people in the states, and a global organization overseeing the advancement of critical energy and technology application.


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Media Into Change

This question being asked by a major publication, owned by the octopus of major money business in the West means something. Major money houses are looking to shift the energy situation.
"What are the obstacles to sustainable energy?" -Newscientist.com

What are the obstacles? Money. We have the technology. It's even cheap. However, how these houses can keep making money and how society can maintain control of populations is the cinch.

If we allowed free energy technology to be publicized in our media and made in our industries, the world would explode into financial and organizational chaos.

Let us take this as a "0" default point from which to calibrate. This will be the case [or death] within 25 years, and more likely within 5 or 10.

What limitations or conditions do we want, if any, on total no-households-barred free energy for every individual business?

What are the probable human choice outcomes of universal free energy? What consequences will the end of materialism have on society? On law? On prison systems? On law enforcement? On major media? On industry and competition? On transit and pollution? On urban gathering? Education?

On religion? Spirituality? ESP? UFOs? On telecommunications? On social and political organization? On business? Research? Medicine? Science? Aerospace and space exploration?

Agriculture and diet? Therapy and rehabilitation? Drug use?

How will conflict change? How will our daily lives be changed? What will stress us?

Military and state marketers, do this.

Advertising will be eliminated, for one.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

International Fraud Law

The internet is unfortunately rife with fraudulent emailings. This would be somewhat tolerable if it were merely viagra or some porn site. But emails requesting your SSN or bank account number and speaking of false offers of millions of dollars [pounds, euros, yen, yuan, etc] are felonious conspiracies that would earn their perpetrators lifetimes in prison.

These crimes must not go unanswered. Internet traffic passes through Virginia. IP addresses can be recorded and mass mailings often are difficult to conceal. The UN or another international organization should pass laws agreed to by all [or most] countries and enforce them in those regions. Every nation with internet can agree that these emails are crime and intended to deceive, and work together to rid the world of fraudulent mail.