
US Government, Pentagon, members of the United States House and Senate, members of the American Armed Forces, FBI, CIA, NSA, UN, and international governments and military bodies, this blog is for you. Call Senators: 202-224-3121.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

This is How you Win a Protest and Movement

When something begins of this scale, such as the Ron Paul revolution, the 9/11 Truth movement, the Burmese Monks movement, whom are very brave and face threats to their lives, this is how you win as a populace against the oppression of the state.

Speak out, and continue to speak out. March, and continue to march. Record and speak. Despite pepper spray or bullets, and do what you can to avoid them, work and speak about how you feel in a peaceful manner. Monks offering organization and restraint to a major population of students and concerned loving individuals will win.

Let us not tire of doing good.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Martial Law could be the US being overthrown

If martial law is declared in the US, it may not be just martial law. It may be the overthrow of the American government. We are in serious danger of this happening. George Bush has granted himself massive powers to declare martial law for any amount of time and under circumstances that he defines. Invading Iran or another action or disaster, probably false flag, that causes him to declare martial law in response to may be the overthrow of the American government.

Information and Iran

Elected satanists, [Bohemian Grove/Illuminati/Council on Foreign Relations/Skull and Bones supporter/Neoconservative] Dick Cheney has asked his counterparts and co-satanists in the corporate media to promote and sell to the American public an American invasion against Iran.

Please, pray for peace and understanding and knowledge of the truth between our two nations.

So have I seen reports in the Economist, which is focused strangely on Iran, and a focus in National Geographic on Pakistan, which could be circumstantial.

Please, pray for peace and understanding and knowledge of the truth between our two nations.

Please watch for more reports from different media names about Iran, and beware of an impending invasion against Iran, if it comes with or without substantial public support. Be on the watch for the kind of suspicious events that Satanists would want occuring with Iran. there may be highly suspicious stories slanted very heavily against Iran in the media. Please investigate them promptly and more closely than corporate media.

Iran is at Risk

I've noticed in the past week or so that the option of more active civil disobedience has come to the table of those who oppose the neoconservative revolution. This is not a fine choice. Armed or active seperation from the United States is conceding a majority of the United States.

This union is ours, not theirs. Let us not bring weapons to those who would destroy our nation, but let us bring love of the truth and bright attention.

The man who was tasered at UF, we will bring no response to that except legal action under the Constitution, and a mark in the record books of who did what and when, to be shown amongst the sea of its brothers to those who are unaware.

A New World Made Possible

A tesla coil or other RF-emitting devices can be used to turn salt water into fuel useful for heating, cooking, and running certain engines, particularly Sterling and capacitance-charging alternators. This process research began in early spring 2007 and has become fruit this summer. We should harvest it this fall and begin testing it in winter for a series of springtime ventures.

To become a 21st century pioneer you should have one of these RF/AC devices. It can be modified to provide power to your normal devices without connection to the electrical grid. You may want to augment it with wind and solar power systems. there are also engineered bacteria that can turn sunlight into useful hydrogen gas.

It may be desirable to bring or build a 3D printing reprap prototyping machine. These machines attach layers of material together to build 3D devices. A reprap could build a carburater with very few moving parts. Combine the RFAC and reprap together with blacksmithing and forgery techniques to build an offgrid tool & die shop.

A dutch company has built water filtration systems [that can get you hi. Another has built straws] that will let you drink from mud puddles and seawater safely, at $3 each. These are valuable devices, and a large one could give you and a village Brita-level drinking water year-round.

From this point, Amish level arrangements can free you from the requirements of social security cards, taxes, registration, and unConstitutional activity. But social interaction is still desired and worth pursuing. See excerpts from www.weeklyworldthingy.blogspot.com on social cohesion within social distinction.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Loose Nukes

You may be aware that a nuclear weapon was stolen from Minot AFB.

6 tipped missiles left the northern base where they were being accidentally flown from. 5 were recovered. The 4 airmen in charge of these cruise missiles have now ALL MYSTERIOUSLY DIED in separate auto accidents on September 14. No 4 people mysteriously die in auto accidents in that tight of a grouping.

A team or authority inside our own air force has lifted a nuke. This is likely to be used by Americans on our own forces on an American city. This will probably be the opening of the floodgate to a major surge of fascist global activity. sources have warned of a pending attack within the next 90 days, but that was nearly 2 months ago.

The entire war on terror has been a false flag operation. The world's religions are being subverted by Satanist fascist groups of extremely rich individuals and families such as Skull and Bones, the Bohemian Grove, elements of the Freemasons, and other special fraternities. They have placed thousands of members in high ranking positions of authority throughout the world, including the presidency and neo-conservative branch of government and cabinet and appointed positions. The 2004 elections were rigged between two bonesmen, and the 2000 elections were between two illuminati members, a quarterfinalist elimination round.

These Satanist and occult groups comprise support train employ and fund zionism, radical islam, and neoconservatism, which are the antithesis of their religions' teachings.