
US Government, Pentagon, members of the United States House and Senate, members of the American Armed Forces, FBI, CIA, NSA, UN, and international governments and military bodies, this blog is for you. Call Senators: 202-224-3121.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

USA, China, Oil

I don't like this post. But I wanted to write it.

I would not like to see war break out. I will not second-guess the actions of my fellow humans, but certain political and social liklihoods will follow today's cemented events and probable organizations.

According to this article, the United States built a nuclear reactor in Iran in the 1960's, and supplied them with weapons-grade uranium. They also overthrew the Iranian government in 1953 and installed the Shah, apparently as either a way to secure the Iranian government from Soviet and communist southward expansion by way of fostering militarism and armed *religious* movements in the region, which communism would be abhorrent to. Or to get the Iranians to give their oil to British Petroleum [BP] for a very low and unfair price. The uranium fuel US gave Iran in the 1960's is still in Iran.

Furthermore, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has pledged a large amount of oil to China and begun work on numerous Sinozuelan joint programs. VZ provides US with 12% of its oil. The US has had the opportunity to continue forward past the Cold War era and bring out new non-oil technologies, however, these technologies have been stifled, for good or ill. The US may have tried to control the world during and after the Cold War, and may still be continuing to try to by using oil and the economic superiority it acquired during and after the Cold War through market colonialism [neocolonialism*: see John Perkins ex-CIA economic hit man via democracynow.org.] Reports from ex-CIA members and declassified military documents, such as Operation Northwoods via the JFK affairs, the incidents of the IMF & WB especially in Indonesia and to the present day, have shown the work American forces have done during the 1940's-1990. Other elements and the elongation of these practices and the lies to surround them have revealed what is going on 2000-present day.

It seems that America has set itself up for a fall. Now: a short story. I was playing a game in which I had conquered all of Europe, the middle east, and northern Africa with choice colonies in central Africa and South America. I was developing my technology and wealth and surpassed all other nations in power and economy. However, as I prepared to invade India as they threatened Russia, whom I planned to conquer later, I was invaded by a massive engagement from China, which I was not able to turn back squarely. I had planned to nuke them, but it was so grisly and unattractive that I simply stopped playing. It bothered me for hours.

I see this kind of predicament possibly occuring in the world tomorrow. It is possible for America to simply be conquered militarily by China. I do not fear a military assault, but I do see us losing hideously an economic scenario. China has legitimately secured its oil needs for the near future, and are actively planning and working around oil requirements with this Three Gorges Dam and other like projects. Unfortunately they also are using nuclear plants and extensive coal for their power.

The news of these economic deals, and Chavez seeking to make China into a new first nation, startled me to certain connections. I have thought that China's anti-religious sentiment and enormity would be a premise for a world government in which religions, particularly Christianity, were banned.

This would be Revelations-like, and could even later fulfill a way in which the rivers of the Tigris and Euphrates were dried up to make way for the armies of the east, possibly India and/or China.

America has set itself up to surrender its economic position. We may have decided to try to make the world bottleneck around oil, so we could gain control over the commies and 3rd world folk, and withhold all other technologies, to the point that anyone without oil could not possibly compete or throw up a meaningful army. America, and its allies, controlling all the oil, would then crush or starve all such enemies, and turn everyone into America, American allies, or slavelike nations not yet indoctrinated into American ways.

This would explain our corrupt actions. This plan has either been promoted by US Generals since the JFK assassination [or its apparent polar opposite = nuclear war with Russia and battle with their allies, without the knowledge that love is the answer and peace is the symptom of love. That the technology they withheld could save both them and the Soviets, and everyone else, at any time, and bring them closer to God.] or it has been promoted by Satan.

Fortunately, and unfortunately, America has failed to conquer the world through oil dependency, as numerous oil producing regions remain squarely out of America's hands either by means of the American public, who remain fundamentally decent although harassed and crumbling away from Christianity, the ways and worship of the Living God who provides all good things. The American people have resisted the Iraqi conflict intensely, they have resisted other military movements to acqquire or control oil rich regions. Hugo Chavez has also resisted Americanism and the people there managed to vote him in and he managed to not be killed by the US special forces and resisted economic colonialism, as did Saddam.

Enough free oil remains in the world for China or another to thrive and conquer the market. China took a lot of industrial development from America in the late 1990's and since then. This fundamentally undesirable event was probably realized to be occuring sometime in the mid to late 1990's, just after it became too late to switch infrastructure away from oil before the peak oil arriving in ~2007/8, and a new economic theory had to be made. Outsourcing. Scrape as much of the money off the 3rd world and other areas as possible and use wars to get into Iraq and a card for other world regions [Iran is the next big target, having a substantial amount of cheap world oil.]

America probably has as much oil as Russia, but both of those bunches of oil are almost economically unviable because of the amount of labor and infrastructure that would be required to acquire them. For industrial and economic activity to be worthwhile and pleasing, it needs to cost relatively low $/barrel, we're talking probably somewhere below $90/barrel, but possibly as low as $80, and degrading over time in a cycling market, made probable because of the current market figures. We're probably tipping oil as pricey as we stably can with only a small margin of economic leeway to free up that effective oil and to edge other national developers out of the market, to make economics as competetive as possible for the pinch.

They are planning for the pinch. It's going to be bad, chaos, really unpleasant, very impoverishing. And it doesn't need to happen. It will not produce 'our' victory if you want to call the nation of America 'us', and it will spoil the world like Revelations says. Huge sword indeed.

If Revelation doesn't come and aliens don't show up and kraut us while whisking away the select, we'll face a world that is totally destroyed of economic viability, like a global wasting illness. Crops will be sacrificed. It is probable that billions will die. Wars will probably rip through oil rich regions and movements will be formed and bounce everywhere else because of the chaos. Imagine the US's report on global warming endgame scenarios. It's published by the Pentagon and mentions severe drastic elements.

Let's imagine another world. The earth has been destroyed from all manner of wars. There is no meaningful oil left. Or there's only like 35% or so left. Who cares. Right now we've got about 50% of the oil left. America and its allies and the others did their thing. America expected to be able to pinch it off like OPEC in only a few years. VZ and Iran and the new Iraq made that not the case. The Allies' populace would not fight a massive world war without an excuse, and the excuses were not good enough, so the plans were laid bare.

So everyone knew about the oil, by the time the economic bad news showed up. No Soviet Union to go to war with over the pinch, terrorists are unreal and a tiny fraction of a population that we, the US and our allies, made and not a functionally real enemy to fight with over millions of square miles of land and numerous oil rich regions. So who fights then? Opportunists, mercantilists, the desperate.

*I will address http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependency_theory later in this blog, or possibly in Receipt For Labor.

The peak of style, the peak of LOVE. 1964-1968.

Tim Ryan On The Senate Floor

You may like this.


I dislike politics, but I am always willing to chat with a dreamer.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

This is TACT

There is a difference between nudism and nudity in advertising. Just plain nudity doesn't need to be LEWD, or provokative, or intended to be eye-catching. Sex in advertising is highly inappropriate. Teenagers hanging out naked in the park is a RIGHT in appropriate cases. Advertising your sugar-gum by sticking it out of your XXXX is NOT.

Know the difference.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Open Letter To Iran


Fellow thinker, please consider these points to avoid war.

Peace is Godly. God's justice is in God's hands, not man's. God has rained fire from the heavens without the help of mankind in the past to exact his justice. Have faith that he will if he deems it necessary.

In the meantime, let us work to make peace. We realize that you are upset with the way the world is unfolding. We too, are upset with the same things you are in many ways. We should meet [US, world, and Iran] and address these issues candidly so all things are truly on the table. We can heal many rifts on both sides and increase our power and ability to serve God.

Technology. You have chosen to pursue nuclear ambitions, civilian power and we will presume nuclear arms for the purpose of discussion. I [we] would like to help you in the Dutch manner when it comes to nuclear weaponry. This means that we do not want you to have or use or even desire nuclear weaponry, but because they are internal matters to you and to any nation, and because we could hurt one another and our Godly honor so much over them, I [we] will not force you to reneg them.

I presume that electricity is no charm to cause you to drop nuclear weapons if you have chosen to pursue them. The difficulties of nuclear power plants alone can be overcome by advanced technology and monitoring.

I believe that addressing the concerns that have made you choose to pick up arms is the way to put them down. This could be the answer for any superpower. It should be presented to the UN a study of Israeli and US actions that you find unfavorable, in a global manner. I would present to a public study any selection of targetted information available regarding any western action, economic, military, or political, for proper judgement and due course of law, even in such a grand case as what you no doubt concern.

Any element since WW2 I deem as viable, including Rosenbergs and nuclear proliferation, UN-level Israeli agreement stipulations, Korean war actions, McCarthy-era actions, Iranian coup of 1953 [apologies], BP and corporate organization as a trust, Vietnamese actions, World Bank and IMF actions, Saudi associations and American invasions... ... to the present day's activities. This knot is worth untying for our own health and the health of our children.

Thank you for your continued faith,
William Bunker <><

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Racism on a Plane

British holidaymakers staged an unprecedented mutiny - refusing to allow their flight to take off until two men they feared were terrorists were forcibly removed.

The extraordinary scenes happened after some of the 150 passengers on a Malaga-Manchester flight overheard two men of Asian appearance apparently talking Arabic.


They demanded the two Asians speaking Arabic be thrown off the plane. They were later booked on another flight.

I want the people who pointed out these two individuals examined for racist actions. Simply speaking in foreign languages and looking different is not reason to disrupt these people. The population of this plane is unacceptable to society and to law. Granted, I was not on the plane, but the events that transpired are fascist and fear inspired.

Speaking of fascism, it is good that we defeated the fascists. They offered nothing to the world. But the communists? It is not entirely good that we defeated the communists. Their Soviet representatives were not even truly communist, and were in fact somewhat more fascist and dictatorial. Communism in Russia was never legally adopted. The Duma did not vote it in, and 'communism' was from the beginning installed by military force in 1922.

There is more to be garnered from the theories of 'communism', as we are observing.

Friday, August 18, 2006


"I was examining your page at http://www.chelseagreen.com/2005/items/americafascismgod , and I was wondering why you chose to title this piece a 'heretical pastor'. That is an off-putting title, and it makes this seem like a contrarian viewpoint, when I and numerous others believe it is a much truer strain than anything the state has produced.

I am sad and glad to say that here is where state and authority diverge: truth.

Your Friend,
<>< William Bunker"

Why Not to Conquer The World

This Austin pastor is telling us that the PNAC, after the Cold War, we have the opportunity and right to dictate the world's laws since no one can stop us. That anyone who is not a coward would do it.

We're not facing a Hitler. We're facing nothing. We've become Hitler. We made the Islamofascists, we made Iran, we're still making China. We're making ourselves. We're making Putin. We're making the Saudi empire.

Why should we not dictate the laws of the world, economically? Because we live in and participate in democracy. You who are forging the world, you are forging it in your own imperfect image. You have left behind billions. No, wait. *Billions* of people in disgusting poverty that you ignore and profit from. That is not democracy. That is slavery. You are keeping slaves uneducated to the point that they remain slaves and live terrible lives. If they knew the global setup you run their imaginary chains would dissolve.

One reason not to dictate the world's laws: they are fascist. They are slavery.

That is enough reason to abandon the PNAC.

If and when you can produce the results I and others have described here to give a high quality of living to all and use earth's resources wisely, that is when you can educate and use democracy to make the world's laws. We're already almost 15 years behind schedule, and sliding. You're backsliding. We've been prodding you about it for years now, but you think it's fine because you have made yourself the law before God, as though you have no one to report to.

You will report to me and God's angels, if you do not report to God. Know that the day is coming.

Democracy and the PNAC

Democracy is rule by the majority. PNAC is tricking the majority into doing the will of the few.

2 months before 9/11/01, Alex Jones went on TV and said that the state was going to knock down the Twin Towers and blame it on Osama Bin Laden.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Top 40

Top 40 Reasons To Doubt The Official 9/11 Story. Also examine my statement of charges to be filed in the 9/11 events.

Alex Jones, who is a well studied medialyte, predicted the 9/11 attacks during the summer of 2001. He is predicting a major pseudo-terrorist state action occurring in the coming months, 'possibly before October'.

I believe that the 5-year of 9/11 will be one of the 1st bases of that event. Political and public minds should not be primed for whatever action should not take place in the days and months after 9/11/06.

A UK official already said that the UK is planning to invade Iran "before 2007". Financial markets are set to shift downward heavily in this fall and winter season, and peak oil is a looming crisis that is scheduled to hit in the next 18 months or less.

I would not be surprised nor pleased if a Poland-1939 style event was staged this fall as a pretense to get into Iran. Alex Jones, I join you in unfortunately saying to be on the watch for such an event. Medialytes, I want you to be on top of any possible story for this and relate anything you find amongst yourselves and one another in rapid succession. If we can carefully be watchdogs on this kind of event, we may be able to stop it, or another.

The forces of evil will never succeed.

UK To Give Police 'Instant Justice' Powers

This is not in accordance with the law.

This is:

"When you do decide that someone's been so criminal and behaved so badly and harmed other people that you need to punish them, that really is something that in a democracy belongs with the courts," director Shami Chakrabati told BBC News.

Monday, August 14, 2006

China and 2007

Considering the elements of revelations and the coming invasion of Iran and consequences of peak oil...

China seems like the only force on earth that could and would voluntarily ban Christianity. They persecute religions of all sorts and political activists.

How might China gain control of the world militarily? Or economically? I suspect that within two years peak oil will strike, and the American economic system will face rapid destruction unless drastic measures are taken. We cannot afford another war to invade Iran, and we cannot afford the oil prices that we will face.

We could roll the expenses over on the rest of the world and make them pay for the oil to fund our oil companies, which would fund our businesses. But our people will be left in extreme poverty. We left industry elsewhere, which will not support us in jobs. China will do fairly well because they do not entirely rely on oil and have Indonesia and Russia right next to them to do business with. China also will be the primary recipient of Iranian oil.

Well, this is the world. I am merely thinking of how China could possibly come to ban Christianity. Should it be feared? No, all these things must come to pass. God's word is true and God is faithful.

China would be in a good position in the event of peak oil and an American fiscal crisis. They hold hundreds of billions of dollars of our bonds, they rely on very little of world oil in comparison to ourselves. They are local to Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabian oil supplies. They have North Korea right next to them, as well as India/Pakistan, critical American allies/business partners, and Afghanistan.

Have we invaded Afghanistan as a holding point between China and the oil? Consideration. I imagine that the peak oil will hit, China will make it difficult for America to remain solvent by either refusing new loans or calling up old loans, or both, and perhaps by stopping trading with America, or raising their prices in relation to the dollar considerably.

This is not to organize killing, stealing, and destroying. It is to protect against and to advise those who may not to.

Do not invade Iran. Avert industry from oil dependence immediately. Restore taxes for the rich to avert fiscal crisis. Release new technologies to effect this change. Bring troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan instead of relying on oil in this way. Cease massive NSA and FBI operations against the American people and through businesses, and investigate and restore FBI orders to investigate legitimate terrorist suspects. Cease supporting and organizing terrorists, regardless of orientation. Allow the UN to conduct investigations and stop using the finance system to impoverish the 3rd world and dissuade economic compeition from American firms. Use the freedom of information act and/or Congressional regulation of interstate commerce in emergency measures to release or de-copyright the patents for vaporizing carburaters and enhance research into water splitting and fuel cells, biodiesel research, hemp, and other fiscally conservative measures to support our industry, restore our economy, and fill employment.

Sunday, August 13, 2006


I want to know the web address of Iranian Ahmadinejad's weblog. I'd like to advise him and counsel him on some issues, dissuade him from violence, and alert him to some interesting truths. Please, make it come my way that I know the address.

Interested in:
[Virtual] Media
Technical Support
Focus on Competition

Not Interested in:
The Military
The UK

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Corporatism and Fascism

What did Benito Mussolini say about corporatism and fascism? The fascists were big fans of corporation and private enterprise. They hated the thought of shared business among the people. They love the idea of rule by the strong, entitlement, and use of force to get what they want. And that those who can use force to get what they want basically should have it and be corralled into either the military or government to do what they do there instead of the populace.

Thusly a government and corporation network would come together in a free market to lean fascist. The free market sharpens corporations into desiring control, especially if the state and economic or political conditions become intensely competetive, aka cold war, aka a chain of recessions from excessive business models.

The state infiltrates corporations ex-CIA John Perkins economic hit man, and the corporations infiltrate the state, microsoft, anti-trust laws not enforced, DuPont 1937 marijuana ban, Hearst yellow journalism, FCC on Telcomms, special interests, big three motoring club, technology suppression, and many others. Even the RIAA. They turn anti-worker. Minimum wage laws. Giving a rosy economic outlook to boost sales and unrepresent poor folks who get hit with the largeest unemployment, the largest inflation costs. Tax cuts proportionate to their existing level of wealth. A worldwide proportionate wealth upwards-curve. This zips together to form a semi/quasi-fascist state. All it needs is fearless leader.

How to crowbar it apart? Primarily with real democracy, information, and the will of the many to reject the incorrect will of the strong, even if it is flavored nicely or seductively presented.

Neo-Conservatives are a cross between Hitler, James Bond, and Bozo the Clown.

The small are only powerful in their mass of voting, in their economic participation, and in their labor. If you vote intelligently, meaning not democrat or republican, if you purchase intelligently, meaning knowing what the companies you do business with do and own, and buy sparingly, and if you work sensibly, meaning choose a company or practice that is not going to harm people or violate their rights, and if you spread information, you should be fine and doing your part to fight fascism.

Be in contact with your Supreme Court, be in contact with your Senator and Representatives. Study the news, spend time socially with friends, discuss the issues.

Before all, spend time with God. The church should not be an institution of the state. Think with God. Read the Bible with God and your family. Do these things in remembrance of Jesus Christ.

4th Amendment Unconstitutional

"NEW YORK (Reuters) - Random bag searches by New York police at subway stations are constitutional and an effective means of combating terrorism, a federal appeals court ruled on Friday.

"In light of the thwarted plots to bomb New York City's subway system, its continued desirability as a target, and the recent bombings of transportation systems in Madrid, Moscow, and London, the risk to public safety is substantial and real," the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals said in its ruling."

This is a search and seizure. Are there warrants associated with these searches? Specific search warrants, as described in the 4th amendment? I will not suppress my 4th amendment rights. I encourage people to walk with a copy of the Bill of Rights and to encounter these police with it, or more specifically, the judges who decided upon the case. I believe that the Constitution can be upheld even in modern times.

Lou Dobbs

Thank you Lou Dobbs for consciousness on the topic of 9/11 and the state.

It is amazing that the Pentagon did not testify correctly to the 9/11 Commission, apparently a grand jury. I believe we shall have trials about this event and further subpoenas for the truth. The media may need to publicize these events and broadcast the real truth, despite their corporate ties and affiliations.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Instead of forcing airline passengers to discard all their possibly liquid items, they could be persuaded to merely open them, and then they could be adequately detected by dogs, or maybe robot dogs.

There is data saying that explosives could be detected by terrawaves. Between infrared and microwaves. No sweat. Try that one, for the 5 months that it will matter.

I'd also like to see the wifi phones. It'd be like cordless phone receivers. It'd call from the phone from any place that had cordless connectivity, or wifi for that matter.

In other matters, RIAA has asked for blanket gag orders so they do not need to produce witnesses in court cases and defendants will face charges without being addressed by prosecuters. This is against the 1st amendment. I am surprised that RIAA lawyers have actually asked for this. I believe they could possibly face charges, or contempt of court for such a request, depending on the severity.

Telecomm Industries are facing 4th amendment lawsuits for cooperating with the NSA and providing billions of pieces of information to the NSA, and almost certainly some off yours. They both are on trial. 17 lawsuits against them have just been consolodated.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Israel To Hit Civilian Sites

I am disappointed and concerned with Israel's plans to bomb civilian sites. Do they also plan to coordinate civilian relief?


I must condemn Hizbulla ffor targeting civilians in random rocket strikes.

If you feel you must war, then use the weapons responsibly. Do not strike civilians. Lay down, GI, and petition UN Resolution 242. This will honor God and "heap burning coals upon them" with your kindness.

I believe that the same people striking Lebanon now are the kind who struck the NYFD.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Dude. Heat-seeking bullets is where i get off the train.

George Galloway

I cannot justify the existance of an organization such as Hizbulla. I disapprove of militant action, even in response to militant action. I love justice and peace. However, because I cannot justify Hizbulla, I cannot justify the IDF and their egregious actions either.

I think the solution to the Israeli-Lebanese war is UN Resolution 242 from 1967 deciding Israel should leave the occupied territories.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Synethesized Media

Click Title!

From only a 10 minute recording of your own voice, companies can recreate anything you might ever want to say, or not want to. Colin Powell was so impressed by hearing his voice say 'I am alive and my captors are treating me well.' that he wanted a copy of the software. Another US General's voice was made to say 'Gentlemen, I have gathered you here to today to plan the overthrow of the US Government.'

And Wowie Wow Batman!! Get an internet computer to schedule and make all your phone calls for freezle!! I am totally calling the future.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Popular Mechanics

I was dismayed by the news of your article refuting Loose Change's video evidence. I have not examined it nor do I particularly care to, for the evidence against the official 9/11 story is overwhelming and copious, and various recreations of the 9/11 events have been consistently different from the events.

In 1975, floors of the North Tower burned for 3 hours, consuming 65% of the floor including the core, and none of the steel melted or was replaced. Underwriters Laboratories, who insured the WTC, estimated the temperature of the flames on 9/11 at as low as 500*F due to poor ventilation. This will not melt steel, nor does it interest me. I have read the melting point figures and flame figures, and seen how freakishly overinforced the towers were in their construction. Because of these conditions, as a scientist I do not believe the building would have collapsed if left alone to burn its course. Other building examples in Venezuela and elsewhere have shown that nothing would have happened for days in such an event.

Furthermore, secondary explosions were quite clearly experienced well before and as it collapsed. The core of the WTC is not about to crumble in such a manner as it did. The building fell at nearly freefall speed. If you take the combined bottom strength and take form it the accumulating top energy of a collapse, it would take far longer than 'freefall' to topple. Freefall speed means that the strength of the bottom portion is 'like 0'. That it has been zeroed out by some force. That force had to be equal to the strength of the building, so the top could fall down as quickly as a wafting hat. The bottom's strength was compromised and neutralized by explosives, evidenced by the presence of thermite* and the manner of 'demolition'. WTC was on 24 hour alert for weeks before the event because of prior warnings, which Condoleeza Rice denied the existance of before a grand jury. The rigging was facilitated by one day on which bomb sniffing dogs were removed from the buildings and then replaced without explanation.

Please, find a broader explanation of the day's events in the back pages of Tactical Edge at www.tacticaledge.blogspot.com.

I say this not to become mighty or great or prove a point, but to encourage diligence and justice, to warn of calamity, to replace social fear with goodwill and faith, and to provide a good environment for families and communities to exist in free from organized or conspired threat, internal or external. Please join me in pursuing these ideals, in whatever way you choose to express them. Consider it carefully.

*I saw a picture of a firefighter standing by a base girder that had quite clearly about a 75* cut through it, which seemed to be slightly melted. It was on media pages and can be reproduced. A girder such as this was found to have thermite on it. Considering the plane's impotent charge, the building's overcharged collapse, the presence of demolition material, the opportunity to place it, and the comparison cases, and a series of other pieces, the primary cause of still believing the government story is similar to not wanting to pull a fishhook out of your thumb because of the barb.

I know it's a sob story, but justice is in truth.

Your Friend,
William Bunker <><


Furthermore, is this address at a hearst.com such as William Randolpf Hearst, owner of newspapers and contributor to Yellow Journalism? Why is that name still even being used if it is in the context of Yellow Journalism? This is also going in the weekly world thingy.


Saturday, August 05, 2006

War is failure

War is failure. In the same respect, ill will is failure.

Material is only a medium. if you have a poor source of love, the clearest channel will not fix it.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

JFK Assassination Web

One would think that after trying and eliminating the ones who operate this Goodfellas-like community the world would work smoothly. Granted, it would probably work much more smoothly, but I don't know if it would work as perfectly as Jesus Christ would be honored by. What do you think?

This is also going in What Every American Should Know.

Israel's War Strategy

It seems Israel is fighting the Lebanese people, not Hizbolla. They may be fighting a proxy war through the civilian population against Hizbolla because they are so guerilla and hard to strike. They have destroyed power plants, economic centers, many civilian apparati. The correct military response to be most kind to civilians and actually, most effective against Hizbolla is to deliver ground paramilitary forces to battle them in person instead of bombing civilian infrastructure.

If Israel plans to destroy its economic adversaries, political targets, and terrify the Lebanese population, they should do exactly what they are doing. However, to cut off Hizbolla's flow of social and material support, they should be good neighbors and disengage from their anti-populist practices. Let a man not be executed for the actions of his father, nor for the actions of his son, but his own actions alone.

If Israel plans to infinitely bomb and destroy the Arabs and Palestinians to grind them into rubble, the Israelis will find them tougher than they first anticipated, and themselves disdained universally for their cruelty. This is not how to fight a war. This is terrorism.

How can I aid the Israelis, though? They seem to have so much already. A thriving economy, a strong military, land of their own. What can I give them to help them more? It is not money or weapons, they are already flush with them. More is only spoiling them of their real weaknesses. I would give them compassion, mercy, understanding, genuine interest and intent to help those impoverished and oppressed, a desire for peace, contentedness, and true piety like that taught by Jesus Christ. I would give this to anyone.