
US Government, Pentagon, members of the United States House and Senate, members of the American Armed Forces, FBI, CIA, NSA, UN, and international governments and military bodies, this blog is for you. Call Senators: 202-224-3121.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Summary Constitution

I am concerned about the power of global corporations. Through study I
have found it very probable that corporations have joined forces with
elements of the US government to corner the energy market in 2008, using
our national resources and corporate capital, particularly in the middle
east. Furthermore, ExxonMobil, GM, and other companies have acquired and
stifled energy technologies and patents and national oil reserves to
prevent critical advancement in energy technology away from oil.

I believe this plan was hatched to get a fiscal leg up on the emerging
Chinese and Russian markets and populations to place America and
megacapitalists in firm control of the population and nations of the
world for the 21st century, when population is expected to eclipse world
resources, motivating billions of people to riot or seceed from
conventional labor and social arrangements.

I believe that the 1996 PNAC and the 2000 election and 2001 Trade Center
bombing were enacted under the new 'emergency Constitution' in the light
of these upcoming crises. We have illegally been under a state of
emergency Constitution since 1933. The expected disasters of the 21st
century would warrant a preemptive state of emergency, and these actions
and irregularities we are experiencing are probably the result of this
undeclared state of emergency.

However, there are better solutions to this emergency than the route of
supercontrol we are taking. Your libertarianist viewpoints and the
liberation of ExxonMobil/GM technologies and the investigation of state
and corporate affairs can reroute our future from a global hell to

GM's technologies can produce overunity of energy. The subatomic and
energy science and chemistry is available to run an automobile or a
factory without producing pollution and without incurring additional
cost. This could easily rid the world of 99% of our pollution problems
and allow us to install robotics to fill our planet with cheap high
quality machined and tooled goods.

This would cause substantial upset, though, as megacorporations would
lose all their control systems and currency values would become almost
meaningless. A new free energy system would shatter the current system
of materialism, which supports the livlihood of hundreds of millions to
billions of people today. The new technology could not be installed in
time to prevent some substantial fiscal chaos and probable deaths.

Furthermore, this replacement would expose radical nations such as North
Korea to limitless energy technology. It is probable that the leaders of
this sequestered group and other militaries or action groups would abuse
this energy system and cause brief but grave destruction before being
wiped out or overthrown by their own rebel movements, equally empowered.

I would say the best way to solve this looming global crisis is your
prompt leadership at some point in the future to expose these events,
eliminate illegitimate power in the state and markets, and release this
new technology to the public, along with a hilt-level government
sponsorship of energy technology and infrastructure development and an
emergency services program for those who may be affected by power
outages or supply shortages. Your plans of bringing all troops home
immediately is also very wise. It may be a more successful plan to allow
this technology to be the first liberator of the world than to
micromanage its perfusion.

While this is happening we can bring the trials of Dick Cheney and
George W Bush and their emergency Constitution co-conspirators to the
USSC and the public's attention.

You do not need to respond to this letter if you do not choose to, but
this information should be widespread already and I would like a
confirmation of your opinion on these matters.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

An African Union

Frankly, I do not think that an African Union would matter much in the global scheme, although it may be very beneficial for Africans. Currently, Africa is a cornucopia of resources to be given out to major markets, with little or no real globally strong businesses. Gemstones, minerals, rain forests, lots of great land, rivers, and ten thousand miles of coastline make any spot rich, but the people living there are impoverished unlike any elsewhere on Earth.

African Unions were considered in the 1800's during the times of colonialism, when attempts to build a railroad passage from Cape Town to Cairo failed, along with the hope for one Africa. The place has been a resource colony for the rest of the world, and has been eschewed by one force or another internally and in poverty outside the gate of world influence since Jews left Rome fell and Europeans brought guns.

If an African union, even a lightly knit one, can reduce civil war and poverty and corruption or improve African society, let them be well and come to learn the ways of truth and righteousness that founds a macrosociety, which we are forgetting.

9/11, Dick Cheney and World Oil

Flight 93 landed in Cleveland, OH at 10:15AM on 9/11/01 according to Delta's flight records and the mayor of Cleveland.

It did not crash in Shanksville, PA, as reported. No plane hit the Pentagon, since it would be hit by automatically launching missiles. Cheney gave stand-down orders. Landing chalk was photographed on the lawn of the pentagon on september 7, 2001, in the general orientation of the later incoming object. The pentagon has automatically firing missile defenses, deactivated by an RFID. Any plane approaching the pentagon would experience very heavy casualties, especially a commercial plane without an RFID.

The 2 WTC buildings were scheduled to collapse and used artificial detonations to collapse them. Underwriters' Laboratories estimated the heat of the flames at 500*F. No steel building has ever burned down. Cut marks are clearly visible behind a firefighter in a famous photo of WTC ruins. The steel beam is cut at a ~45* angle straight through its entire width, and melted steel is seen redried below the cut. No 'plane' did that, and no ordinary fire. It was cordite, which was found on WTC steel by a professor at Binghamton State.

The 2 planes that hit the WTC were probably remote controlled by the CIA, and the controls jammed. 9 of the 19 alleged hijackers live today. NASA demonstrated this technology repeatedly in the 1990's. No one from our government would go on such a suicide mission.

The other 2 planes likely landed in Cleveland, as one was reported, and a military airstrip in the vicinity of the Pentagon or runup to it, and their passengers executed in the name of national security to give us the pretense to go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan and corner the global energy market in ~2008 to get a fiscal leg up on the emerging Chinese and Russian markets and populations to place America and ubercapitalists in firm control of the population and nations of the world for the 21st century, when population is expected to eclipse world resources, motivating billions of people to riot or seceed from conventional labor and social arrangements.

The White House has produced a new contingency 9/11 Constitution under which to execute these plans, founded in ~1996 under the PNAC.


This should tell you everything you need to know about 9/11 from the early dates. i defer to www.jonesreport.com for modern official acknowledgement of 9/11 truths and mistruths and release information.

I support the subpoena of Cheney's office
. He should be investigated for his various crimes from Algerian Halliburton bribery and fraud fund onward, for which he is still wanted by the French and the World Court.

1. Eliminate Illegitimacy of Power in State
2. Eliminate Illegitimacy of Power in Market
3. Release ExxonMobil Technologies
4. Sip a coke.

What can the state do about such a move? We can enforce our antimonopoly laws among the oil companies and investigate politicians who take money from big oil companies or other companies. We should also investigate politicians who take money from *any* company. Publicly funded campaigns are the best way to protect America's 1st amendment.

This will reduce oil companies' control over politicians and our ability to enforce and produce our laws regarding energy and the market.

ExxonMobil has been procuring numerous patents about energy technology and American oil reserves, which it does not employ. These technologies can provide limitless pollution free energy, as the published and tested patents proclaim. If we force these technologies to be released we will cut off the process of cornering the energy market and change the way the world does business and conducts society dramatically for the better immediately.

The White House has given itself authority to do *anything* that is in the name of national security, which is wrong. what kind of reciprocating tenets and rights does this give the public, and set for other nations?

It is mandatory that the USSC step in and swat down these unConstitutional and false statements made by the Executive branch. It's their job. Do it, or someone else frankly will. I know this country will not tolerate that kind of overt behavior. We have been fortunate that the market has continued at such a level for this long. Work on this project to restore our nation, eliminate the illegitimacy of power, and to release mandatory technologies.

We should take those technologies from ExxonMobil in the name of "National Security" instead of the oil from Iraq for the same.

By restoring control of government and technology to individuals we can avert a major disaster. What will happen if we *do not* corner the energy market and allow libertarianism to flourish in the place of supercontrol.

What can you do?

1. Buy an AK-47 or an M-14.
2. Study these documents.
3. Sell your TV.
4. Sell your SUVs, if you have them.
5. Contact your senator and other politicians frequently about these topics.
6. Contact business leaders about these potentialities, and reduce your support for major corporations.
7. Educate others on these topics to the best of your abilities.
8. Try to eat organic, and be ready.
9. Keep an open mind. Do not cling tenaciously to any single politician or company.
10. Pray to God that there be peace and love.

^ this works according to number theory, which I just noticed at #9.

Best of Luck in the Coming Years,

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


It's hardly 'tact' but Liberian war crimes trials may be prep for tighter control over Nigerian and West African oil resources.

Monday, June 25, 2007



go fuck yourself.

$ > democracy.

You don't know what democracy is.


Jesus didn't come here to pat you on the back and give out pay raises.

1 = 1





Tuesday, June 19, 2007

We've Already Got These Rights

"Appeals court: Feds can't secretly seize e-mail without a warrant

By Nate Anderson | Published: June 19, 2007 - 12:59PM CT

Steven Warshak, the man behind the "natural male enhancement" product Enzyte often advertised on late-night TV, has successfully challenged the government's ability to access his e-mails without obtaining a search warrant or giving notification to Warshak.
Related Stories

* Government may not need warrant to search your e-mail

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled yesterday that the government had acted improperly in its wire fraud and money laundering case against Warshak and his company. As part of the case (which we reported on earlier), the feds secured a court order under the Stored Communications Act (SCA) that allowed them to access Warshak's stored online e-mail. "

We alrerady have the right to privacy and freedom of speech. Why is the judiciary reconfirming our rights in these old cases that are obvious violations? The judiciary needs to be active in stopping torture, under the 8th amendment, convicting vote fraud with electronic voting machines, and many other important Constitutional issues.

We have a nation in crisis. This is playing judicial defense with our threatened rights. Yes, affirm them, but go the extra mile in examining terrible cases. The Executive Branch does not define our rights. The Judiciary does. Get on it.

I know the USSC handles on a few cases annually, but drop everything else and get on our branches of government, Constitutional rights, and election system, and taxation representation, and Congressional money systems. We need this more than what's on your desk right now.

Peak Oil 2008

We are trying to corner the energy market in 2008.

1. ExxonMobil technologies. ExxonMobil has purchased a series of technologies and plots sufficient to replace petroleum. These technologies, which could save us billions and prevent massive pollution and medical illness.

2. Hubbert Peak. The true peak of oil according to geologist M Hubbert was set for 1995, but was predicted before the slowdowns in 1973 and 1979. That puts the peak of feasibility at about now. Other indicators set the date at ~2008 as well, but other reports based on ~1988 OPEC beauracracy motivated reserve reestimations place the date far ahead into the 2020's to 2040's. We are preparing for this date in 2008 by the PNAC's records, and in an artificial shortage, hence a 'corner'. Mexican and American and Israeli and ExxonMobil and other oil company supplies are being suppressed. Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez is exterior to this measure in nationalizing oil reserves.

3. Manufacturing Base. America has sold off the majority of its oil heavy manufacturing base, including its major automakers Ford, Chevy, GM, who have all faced serious shortcomings, and produced very, very few suitable green vehicles. They also produced massive gas guzzling SUVs through the mid 2000's in order to gain a greater market share of oil in our populace for the peak. When oil becomes 'scarce' ~2008, this manufacturing base will be crippled, and ExxonMobil will release new green technologies. We've also begun switching our consumer and commercial attention to green fuels and biofuels, to be sunk in by the 2008ish deadline. We will then rebuild our ExxonMobil mfu base, having sold our own for full price in ~2004, and couping ~none of the manufacturing losses in the 2008, and flush with capital in 2008 from oil reserves sold to our donors.


4. Corner. We're in Iraq currently, with no plans to 'leave' or turn control over to the Iraqis, to control their oil supplies through the corner. We have plans to invade Iran if it becomes necessary, as well as a toehold fiscal or otherwise in Nigeria and other oil rich ally areas such as Indonesia. See John Perkins Ex CIA about Ecuador and Panama. We're also ready for Syria and have strong alliances between the House of Bush/House of Saud, controllers of Saudi Arabian megafields. Russia and Gazprom seem to be key adversaries, but coals to newcastle we are probably not interested in cornering nor sponsoring Russian oil supplies.

5. Katrina. We likely allowed Katrina to be so horrific to pregame the emergency disasters and to test the oil shortages. That disaster was purposefully unguarded.

6. 9/11. The first move of the PNAC. The second move of the PNAC being to get bases in the oil rich places of the world. One of the third to be to pull the hook, of cornering the oil market. Destroy this conspiracy. It is a New Constitution which is illegal and antihuman to an exponential degree.

How do we untie this knot?

Placing this in international media is a good way. Letting China know is one good way. Letting Iraq Iran and Venezuela know is another. A good way to do it is to release ExxonMobil technologies now, to place in the judiciary the offenses of the new unConstitution9/11 and the presidential and congressional figures who promote and foment the treasonous acts.

Convicting and leaving Iraq is a good way to break the monopoly. If the monopoly is broken, the show is over. This will be difficult, though to do in an oil environment. Releasing the new technologies now would also suffice. Other technological advances and changes to the stagnant commercial system could respark interest in a manufacturing base sufficient to make us change our oily plans, but that is also unlikely.

I'd probably impeach the president and his advisors and staff, leave Iraq, fiscally balance our situation, bring home our military, and release the ExxonMobil technology by matter of an anti-trust lawsuit or 'national security', or force the old companies to do it by starting new protected ones that will anyway. All of those choices would be good and replace an oil corner. There is even still time to accomplish that goal.

Releasing broad e- technology to the masses in that environment would be a good opportunity for true industrial and commercial shift from the old tech to the new with security on top of it in the midst of a revolution.

Cornering the Energy Market 2008

We're trying to corner the world energy market for ~2008.

[to be continued]

Law and God

Israeli Law, Judaic Law, and law in general is 11. It is 1 will be equal to 1.

Where Law does not serve God, it serves itself. Where 11 does not serve 12, it serves evil. Anything that does not serve God, does not serve goodness, serves evil. All things that exist are goodness. Goodness serving evil is itself wishing not to be.

Where Law does not serve God, let it have its wish of unbecoming. In those places, where God already is, let God be served and goodness be known.

We will obey God. If the law serves God, let God be served there. If it does not serve God, let God be obeyed through God itself without that law, and the true law serving God shall take its place.

$ and War and the State

We can spend so much on our military because it is a good buy. We use our military to produce and enforce illegitimate fiscal arrangements all over the world, and have since the 1950's. However this is illegal and an abuse of our soldiers and national resources.

This time it may have entangled us freakishly into Iraqi and Israeli bungles. We're almost openly fighting for money and power, but for the veil of media.

What is the solution? Investigation against the leadup and incidents of the war, which has been done smashingly well in 9/11 truth and Downing Street Memos and the entire investigation of the Bush White House. This investigation must now be moved to trial. This is taking the investigation and moving it to the courtroom, where there is authority.

Any court of law would throw our president and his cabinet out into the street, or jail.

YeK = -1.

After this point, what happens? A new emergency American elections event, simultaneously overlapping the tiers of authority, and the rebuilding of the state and investigation of the Constitution and how these events progressed.

Consequencing in leaving Iraq about now and abandoning war plans in Iran, changing to adopt sustainability on all levels, and moving the world eventually to a system of sustainability, and unsustainable practices being phased out or left behind.

Constitutional Rights and Airports

This non-law is unConstitutional. The charges will be thrown out of any courtroom, and the law overturned. You in positions of authority, I advise you to throw out this law before it is thrown out for you.

When people in authority do not represent our Constitution, they do not represent us.

Monday, June 18, 2007

US Agencies ignored law 30% of the time

This is treason. This will be investigated to the degree of 30% of our Congressional and media and judicial resources, or the amount which is fair and required to resolve the situation to Constitutionality and enlightened human sustainability.

Also work will be done on the human social pathology.

The Browns' case is a good test of sustainability.

Legitimately, there is no law stating that we must pay a Federal tax. The Federal Reserve is a private organization, and without our representation present at it, we may need to not participate in it. If that institution has supplanted Congress' power of the purse, we may need to reorganize our Departments to reflect the Constitution's good interpretation.

If the state wishes to produce a law on taxation, they must write it and pass it. Enforcing policies that are unwritten is an unConstitutional loophole to pass fiat law or policies. This is not American. We will have published tax law, or nothing. Do not wait until 2008 to perform this.

There is a human social pathology that no level of materialism or intellectual dynamicism can cure. It has been brought out from the Garden of Eden, and we are currently reaching maturity.

We approach a level of wealth where we could have anything, and a technological finesse, published, where we could produce anything and have any dynamic of society present. These conditions fail to eclipse the social pathology that we experience, and there is nothing more than that the world can do to attempt to detoxify ourselves.

Numerous individuals have used these tools to detoxify themselves, or express in eclipse of evil in their presence and without. Many members of society fail even in this great buoyancy to become worthwhile individuals.

Those who are successfully detoxed of the pathologies of the Garden should no longer suffer alongside those who have failed to detox.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Bring Em Home

General Pace has been pushed out of control of the American forces in Iraq. We should bring them all home, disregard invading Iran in favor of a "Coast Guard" and anti-missile system, and begin working on new energy technologies and dramatically advanced social structuring programs to improve the culture of humanity.

Less Hollywood promotion of 'Holla Back' and more youth authority, distributed fiscally, and medical/engineering firms working to hire younger scientists, and educational systems being reformed to allow students to be ready to make a life when their bodies say they are.


Friday, June 15, 2007


Since it seems the American attack missiles will be coming from the submarines in the Gulf first, with an ETA of only a few minutes, I would recommend defensive nation program numerous of their Shahab-1 and probably Shahab-2 missiles to explode in the immediate pathway of any incoming attack missiles, with coded guidance from radar installations in the south and central and western regions of the country.

This will be an Iranian Patriot system. It could potentially avert an illegal nuclear strike, which all neutral and God-loving nations would support. Let this be promptly coded. Please divert programming and electronic labor to this project promptly.

The Shahab-1 and 2 missiles are likely the best carriers for a warhead payload to intercept an incoming American ICBM or nuclear tipped tomahawk or other American missile.

Thank you for your civil cooperation in these matters. Please, neutral nations and the world body, devote a contingency of AA missiles to 'charity' targets. Please report America to the UN Security Council for threatening and preparing to strike with nuclear wepaons.

[http://www.physorg.com/news101125786.html: US Nuke Weapon Info Leaked On Internet. Oops. Could be breaking story.]

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Before Doing This

We should set up a series of virtual terrorist or tactical or medical event simulations in Second Life or another virtual program to see what kind of response we can produce. We could train substantially in this space on the super cheap.

Iraq June 14, 2007

This is unsustainable, and does not tip to winning any substantial effort. If you're hoping the world will explode in ~2008 and we'll find ourselves with another good round in Iraq, you may be surprised. A hand on the tap is what they are paying for. They didn't want Saddam's oil when they went there. They wanted to control the flow of it to make the economic process we're about to face more controlled. As much oil as they want comes from Iraq, and no more nor much less.

This condition allows them to control about when peak oil will show up and to weather any potential oil fiascos that may occur, plus giving them a hand in OPEC meetings where the WB and IMF can't go.

Instead of staying on this course and continuing to violate Iraq and ourselves and the world at large, we should leave Iraq immediately and begin work on our own nation becoming oil free. It is unimportant what happens to the oil after that point.

Is this a holdoff period during which we are to shift?

What would have been the effect if the 1996 PNAC meeting were an open letter to the US People c/o the world? Do the bigmath on that. Where would we be?

Segment: Nuclear Bombs

We should dismantle all nuclear devices. Even nuclear power plants will be replaced by new energy technology soon. What would happen if we dismantled all of America's nuclear weapons?

Would China and Russia launch on us right then and invade? Or would they hold, and dismantle substantial stockpiles of their own weapons?

What would North Korea and Iran do?

We should have the capability to blast nuclear wwarheads out of the sky using high quality lasers. Using a THz class laser, or a series of such lasers, we could likely burn holes through the incoming missile. It may also be possible to disrupt the chips inside with EMP, or to destabilize the fissile material in such a bomb using atomic/vibrational techniques. A reflective missile coating might cause problems, but would be difficult to maintain at mach X.

We could launch plasmas at the missile probably as quickly as a laser, using the military's new laser activated sparkle gun. Producing a field of this a few hundred meters in size from the ground would probably give us enough space to melt anything important in the projectile. The plasma would easily burn through the jacket.

A kind of missile flachette patriot style should not be a problem, and produce an excellent field effect of explosion to take down an incoming missile. What kind of firepower do we need to put into the sky to get a damaging conventional explosion into a missile's path?

A single daisycutter on the end of a stick could easily take down any nuke incoming. With math that big "you can't miss". Send 3 on every potential warhead. Load them with schrap so they cut. Have backup ground and aerial plasma and laser installations. Bumpkis.

We shouldn't need to produce this kind of effect. MAD is reasonably effective, but this kind of system could make nuclear missiles obsolete, except for the closest tactical operations, which would be uncomfortable, and are overshadowed by conventional warheads.

The only reason left is terrorism. "Drop" the bomb. Destroy the bombs. Stop making new ones. Employ effective nonnuclear countermeasures. Pentagon, put it into action pre-Iran. And forget Iran.

The attourney general said the Constitution is "quaint" [Colbert].

The Constitution is the state.

It are still Godly.

I will no longer associate America with trash. I will disassociate them with it.

A man can reference a past action and expect praise for it, but the action itself and merely standing silently beside it known is that praise.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

1st Amendment

I don't care to know what kind of cowards did this, but anyone who is 'arrested' for holding up a sign, unless it says very specific and terrible things, will not be arrested in my country. You will be sued, your badge numbers will be examined and those responsible for the laws behind this arrest will be rated against the Constitution.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Iran Not a Threat

William M. Arkin on National and Homeland Security
Nuking Iran: The Republican Agenda?

At the Republican debate last night, almost all the candidates said that they would not rule out a nuclear attack on Iran as a means to prevent it from getting its own nuclear weapons. Only one of these knuckleheads would say that attacking Iran -- indeed even threatening to nuke Iran -- is not the right strategy.

"We have to come to our senses about this issue of war and preemption," he said. The audience applauded, but he didn't get much support from his fellow candidates.

Who was this voice of reason on Iran? First, let's review the positions of some of the other men on the podium.

Rep. Duncan Hunter of California was the starkest: "I would authorize the use of tactical nuclear weapons if there was no other way to preempt those particular centrifuges," he said. Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said he believed that the job "could be done with conventional weapons," but he added that "you can't rule out anything and you shouldn't take any option off the table." Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore also left "all options are on the table" with regard to Iranian nuclear weapons. Said former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney: "I wouldn't take any options off the table."

After the debate, former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee, who did not particpate, added his name to the list of candidates who would consider a preemptive attack against Iran.

Only Rep. Ron Paul of Texas [...Iron Ron Paul] said he opposed a nuclear strike on moral grounds and because he believed Iran "has done no harm to us directly and is no threat to our national security."

[to be cont]

Thursday, June 07, 2007


"According to his blog, "apparently this was a test by the "authorities" to see what kind of response would come from the community......testing to see what might happen if they move in......."

I don't think you can force him to pay taxes. You can probably keep him under house arrest, but unless he has hostages or is dangerous to someone, you can't go into his house. Also, I am disappointed about your treatment of supporters of his cause. You cannot detain them for associating with him.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


British Ministry of Defense said today that in 30 years they expect 'chips in brains' and 'emp weapons'.

This is an idiotic combination. EMP weapons will destroy those brain implants, and probably cause the users to die or suffer from the chip's malfunction.

This seems so intuitive that I wonder if they are anticipating a future in which humans have been basically destroyed.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


We're going to have to presume that Jesus will not necessarily be back until he decides to return. This could be tonight, it could be in 100 years. As responsible, God fearing humans, we need to plan for the future with the greatest ethical consideration possible.

Our growth rates are not matching the planet's population and environmental constraints. We can continue to grow 1960's style if we produce ExxonMobil-level technologies to reduce pollution from our power plants, motors, and urban envionments.

To choke ourselves down with shortage and environmental destruction is a dishonor to humanity. Even if human society remains this profane or becomes worse we should not cause their destruction. Using our research into human society and social engineering and spirituality, and marketing and economics and public relations, we should work to improve humanity's stake in itself and reduce global trauma and social disorder, independent of material production.

Cycling intelligent human social interaction and reducing or eliminating introduced human social illnesses, improving nonworkforce educational opportunities, and fostering positive cultural examples, teamwork, and performances will assist in grassroots society formation and independent and interactive human strength.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

EO 9066

Supposed event: mass American detentions.
[to be continued]